Agenda item

Council Plan Achievements 2011-14

To consider the report of the Leader of the Council concerning achievements against the Council Plan 2011-2014.


45.1         The Council considered a report of the Leader of the Council concerning highlights of the achievements towards the key priorities of the Council Plan 2011-2014 Transforming Your City.


45.2         Councillor James moved the recommendation set out in the report. He noted that the Council Plan had covered a challenging period of time for local government, but that the Council had achieved a significant amount, including progress on regeneration, reduction in crime, securing funding for various projects, improvements to the museums service and an extensive programmes of events, in addition to making significant savings and freezing the level of Council Tax. He noted that some targets had not yet been met, but that the Council could be proud of its achievements.


45.3         Councillor Norman (Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources) seconded the motion. He stated that the achievements under the last Council Plan were clear and that he looked forward to realising the ambitions in the new Council Plan


45.4         RESOLVED – That the report be noted.

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