Agenda item


Person to contact:            Democratic Control Manager

                                                Tel: 01452 396783



The Senior Planning Officer presented the report which detailed an application for the erection of twelve apartments, extension and alterations to existing Deaf Association building, provision of associated car parking at Gloucestershire Deaf Association, Colin Road.


He referred to the late material which contained additional representations.


Jenny Hopkins, Chief Executive of Gloucestershire Deaf Association addressed the Committee in support of the application.


Ms Hopkins advised that the Association did not wish to sell the car park but it was the result of a situation imposed on it by the County Council to recover an historic pension fund debt of £500,000.


The Association was determined to stay at Colin Road as the premises were used regularly by 22 groups covering a wide range of community activities. A successful community centre would generate footfall and inevitably traffic.


She noted that since Third Sector Services had vacated the car park it was often only two thirds full. Previously the car park had been used by eight minibuses which generated traffic and in cold weather often stood with their engines running to warm up.


She believed that local residents were attached to the Victorian buildings which were formerly Barnwood School. She noted that if this application was not supported the Association would have no option but to dispose of the whole site for development.


Mr Geoff Airley, resident of Colin Road, addressed the Committee on behalf of the written objectors.


MrAirley advised that while the documented objections still stood the objectors fully supported the Association and would not wish to lose the Deaf Centre. They hoped that the Committee would approve the application to protect the future of the centre.


He reiterated the key points of objection:-

·         proposal not in keeping

·         parking

·         bus and emergency vehicle access

He advised that residents would monitor the parking and traffic situation and would expect the County Council to take action if the situation warranted it.

He believed that the County Council had been secretive and unhelpful.


The Chair noted that the site had previously enjoyed the benefit of planning permission for redevelopment that had been granted on appeal but which had now lapsed. He believed that the proposals were not out of keeping architecturally and there was sufficient parking proposed.


Councillor Lewis believed that the Association was in an unfortunate predicament and the proposal represented the lesser of the evils. He believed that the proposal, although quite tall on one side, was generally in keeping and that any traffic issues could be addressed by the County Council. He understood the concerns regarding emergency vehicle access and regretted the loss of the lawn outside the centre.


Councillor McLellan advised that the Pension Fund Committee was administered by the County Council but was not a committee of that Council. He believed that the parking issues would be exacerbated but he would support the application for the greater good of the community.


Councillor Noakes called for parking restrictions on the corner.



1.         Planning permission be granted subject to the conditions in the report;


2.         Gloucestershire County Council be requested to consider imposing traffic restrictions at the junction of Colin Road and Grove Crescent.


Supporting documents: