Agenda item

Notices of Motion



"This Council thanks Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service for putting out the fire at on one of the warehouses at Bakers Quay.


This Council raises concern about the condition of the listed warehouses at this site, noting that they are adjacent to Gloucester Quays and are subject to plans for regeneration.


This Council requests that the Leader of the Council considers taking action to instigate a Compulsory Purchase Order for the redundant warehouses at Bakers Quay so that they can be made secure ahead of their regeneration.”




          “This Council notes that it has agreed in the past mass incineration is not the right solution to the disposal of waste in the County.


          After the unanimous decision of the County Council Planning Committee to reject the plan this Council is dismayed by the Secretary of State’s decision to approve the building of such an incinerator at Javelin Park. We believe he has failed to give proper weight to the views of the residents of the City or the detrimental effect that its construction and operation will have on the City and the Severn Vale.


          This Council is further dismayed that the City’s MP has not been a strong voice for the City against this disastrous scheme and instructs the Leader to write to him expressing our disappointment.


          This Council instructs the Leader to support the call for a judicial review of the decision. It also instructs him to write to the Leader of the County Council expressing the views of this Council and the residents of Gloucester and to ask him to renegotiate the contract with UBB to use an alternative technology solution.”



(1)  Notice of Motion from the Liberal Democrat Group


78.1      Councillor Hilton explained that Councillor James had advised him of a potential amendment adding to the motion detailed on the agenda which both he and his seconder were prepared to accept and incorporate into the motion.


78.2      Moved by Councillor Hilton and seconded by Councillor McLellan:


“This Council thanks Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service for putting out the fire at on one of the warehouses at Bakers Quay.


This Council raises concern about the condition of the listed warehouses at this site, noting that they are adjacent to Gloucester Quays and are subject to plans for regeneration.


This Council notes that advanced negotiations are currently taking place between the site’s owners and a prospective purchaser.


This Council requests that the Leader of the Council considers taking action to instigate a Compulsory Purchase Order for the redundant warehouses at Bakers Quay so that they can be made secure ahead of their regeneration in the event that the current negotiations are not brought to a swift and successful conclusion.”


78.3      The motion was put to the vote and was carried.


(2)  Notice of Motion from the Labour Group


78.4      Councillor Haigh advised that she and her seconder were prepared to accept a proposed amendment put forward by the Liberal Democrat Group and incorporate it into the motion.


78.5      Moved by Councillor Haigh and seconded by Councillor Smith:


“This Council notes that it has agreed in the past mass incineration is not the right solution to the disposal of waste in the County.


After the unanimous decision of the County Council Planning Committee to reject the plan this Council is dismayed by the Secretary of State’s decision to approve the building of such an incinerator at Javelin Park. We believe he has failed to give proper weight to the views of the residents of the City or the detrimental effect that its construction and operation will have on the City and the Severn Vale.


This Council is further dismayed that the City’s MP has not been a strong voice for the City against this disastrous scheme and instructs the Leader to write to him expressing our disappointment.


This Council instructs the Leader to write to the County Council expressing our dismay that the County Cabinet agreed to sign the contract with UBB ahead of the planning committee’s decision and with such onerous terms that to cancel the contract today, would expose the County Council to a significant financial liability.


This Council notes that this could have been avoided if Gloucestershire Tories had listened residents who are overwhelmingly against the building of such an incinerator at Javelin Park.


This Council continues to believe that alternative technologies such as a Mechanical Biological Treatment would better serve the residents of Gloucestershire in the disposal of residual household waste.”


78.6      The motion was put to the vote and names recorded at the request of Councillor Haigh:


            For                              Against

Haigh                         Llewellyn

Hilton                         Noakes

McLellan                    James

Smith                         Dallimore

Hobbs                        Norman

Lugg                           Organ

C.Witts                       Porter

Wilson                        Gravells

Bhaimia                     Tracey

S.Witts                        Hanman

Brown                                    Lewis

Beeley                        Ravenhill

Hansdot                     Williams

Gilson                                    Dee

Mozol                         Taylor

Chatterton                 Patel

Pullen                                    Randle


(17)                             (18)


78.7      The motion was lost.