Agenda item

Adoption of the Constitution for 2015-16

To receive the report of the Monitoring Officer which seeks approval for changes to, and adoption of, the Council’s Constitution for the municipal year 2015-16.



11.1       Council considered a report of the Monitoring Officer concerning changes to and the adoption of the Council’s Constitution for the municipal year 2015-16.


11.2       Councillor Taylor moved the recommendations set out in the report.


11.3       Councillor James seconded the motion.


11.4       Councillor Smith moved an amendment to remove references to a ‘convenor’ in the Members’ Working Group Protocol in Part 5 of the Constitution; she considered that it suggested that Members would themselves be responsible for the administrative work associated with a Working Group.


11.5       Councillor Taylor accepted the amendment


11.6       Councillor Haigh emphasised the importance of respecting the Council’s Constitution and consulting with the Constitutional and Electoral Working Group before significant changes were proposed.


11.7       Councillor Hobbs noted that additional budget would have to be found to fund the allowance for the sixth Cabinet portfolio and that the Scheme of Allowances would have to be amended.


11.8       Councillor James responded that the Leader of the Council was permitted to adjust to number of Cabinet Members at any time.


11.9       Councillor Taylor advised that the Administration would bring proposals for changes to the Council Procedure Rules to the next meeting of the Constitutional and Electoral Working Group.


11.10   RESOLVED - That, subject to the changes shown in Appendix 1 to the report and the removal of the references to a ‘convenor’ in the Members’ Working Group Protocol, the Constitution be adopted for the municipal year 2015-16.

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