Agenda item

Upper Deck, Gloucester Quays Outlet Centre - 14/01400/COU

Contact:                    Development Control Tel: (01452) 396783



The Principal Planning Officer presented his report which detailed an application for the change of use of the Upper deck of factory outlet Centre (Over central core of units) to Use Class A1 for Antiques Centre at Gloucester Quays Outlet Centre.


He drew Members’ attention to the representations contained within the late material.


Simon Metcalf, on behalf of the Applicant, addressed the Committee in support of the application.


Mr Metcalf advised Members that without this application the future of the Antiques Centre would be uncertain. The move would provide an Antiques Centre on one level reducing overheads for the Antiques Centre.


He accepted the concerns of the traders at the present centre and assured Members that the Applicant was committed to support the Centre.


He believed that the slightly larger floor area would present a long term opportunity for the continued presence of the Antiques Centre in the Docks. The proposal would improve the accessibility and servicing of the Upper Deck.


He noted that Gloucester Quays had invested large sums in the City and would welcome Members’ support.


Minette Lane, a trader at the Antiques Centre, addressed the Committee in objection to the application.


Ms Lane advised Members that her family had traded full time at the Antiques Centre for over 30 years and were therefore well placed to represent the concerns of tenants.


She stated that they were not resistant to change but believed the present location of the Centre provided a link between the historic City and the modern shopping mall. The proposed relocation would remove the Centre’s shop window to passing trade and leave All Saints stranded uncomfortably as the only evidence of retail activity in the whole street.


Should the Centre be moved its only neighbour would be a dark and depressing multi-storey car park. She expressed concerns that thousands of visitors would have to negotiate two lanes of car park traffic which presented a safety hazard.


She believed that the proposals would result in a flagship retail shop with no shop window - a tourist attraction hidden from tourists, no safe access for visitors, and no mention of temperature controls under the glass roof of the Upper Deck. There was only a vague suggestion of an escalator access from the ground floor.


She noted that problems had been experienced moving large items of furniture to Antiques Fairs that had been held on the Upper Deck previously.


She believed that the current location gave Gloucester an advantage over Cribs Causeway and was the reason scores of coach-loads of visitors from Wales preferred to visit the Quays.


The Chair asked if escalators were part of the application and was advised that there was no guarantee that they would be provided unless required explicitly in the decision and planning permission would not be required to install them inside a building.


Councillor Lewis believed that the proposal would not be viable without escalators and asked what provision would be made for stallholders, asking to see a layout. He was advised that some indicative plans had been submitted but the Council could not exercise control over the stall layout. He wished to have a condition requiring the escalator to be installed.


The Development Control Manager advised Members that the imposition of a condition requiring escalators would require demonstration that the application would be unacceptable without them. He noted the need to differentiate between commercial needs and planning needs.


The Chair was advised that a proposed condition on the sale of goods prevented ‘open’ Class A1 retail.


Councillor Smith was in favour but felt the escalator was essential and requested a condition to require it. She also suggested an advisory note recommending that a vacant unit be used to direct visitors to the Upper Deck.


Councillor Dee noted that it was not the function of the Committee to ensure the survival of the Antiques Centre. He noted that the application would bring a large space into use and he was confident that the Applicant would not produce anything tacky. He also felt it was important that the escalator went in.


Councillor Noakes believed that the application would bring more people into the Quays and would be the best option for the retention of the Antiques Centre.


Members confirmed that they required a condition for the provision of escalators to be installed prior to the commencement of the use.


RESOLVED that planning permission be granted subject to the conditions in the report and an additional condition requiring the installation of escalators prior to commencement of the use.


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