Agenda item

Election of Leader of the Council

To elect a Leader of the Council and to note the appointment of the Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Members for 2015/16.



7.1           The Mayor invited nominations for the position of Leader of the Council.


7.2           Councillor Organ moved the following motion, which was seconded by Councillor Pearsall:


“That for the 2015-16 municipal year, Councillor James be elected Leader of the Council.”


7.3           Councillor Haigh (Leader of the Labour Group) stated that the Labour Group did not support the proposed appointment. She noted that the Administration would have to deliver on significant challenges in respect of regeneration objectives and financial management and advised that she would be monitoring support to the voluntary and community sector and the Council’s relationship with the County Council. She stated that opposition members would hold the Administration to account and oppose any proposals to change their rights under the Constitution.


7.4           Councillor Hilton (Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group) advised that the Liberal Democrat Group did not support the proposed appointment. He opposed proposals to end Group Leaders’ meetings and verbal questions to Cabinet Members and warned emphasised the importance of cross-party agreement in respect of attracting investment and ensuring continuity.


7.5           Councillor Smith stated that proposals to abolish verbal questions to Cabinet Members was an erosion of democratic accountability and added that communication throughout the Council had not improved following the recommendations of the Peer Review.


7.6           Councillor Patel stated that verbal questions had been used to ask questions that could easily have been asked via email without the delay of waiting for a Council meeting.


7.7           Councillor Pullen stated that Members had a right to ask questions on behalf of the residents they represented.


7.8           Councillor James agreed that consensus on regeneration was important, but that Group Leaders’ meetings were not utilised for that purpose; however, his door remained open for discussions with opposition Members. He stated that verbal questions to Cabinet Members did not benefit the Council and that business must be relevant; written questions would remain and the Overview and Scrutiny Committee still had an important role in scrutinising decisions.


7.9           RESOLVED - That for the 2015-16 municipal year, Councillor James be elected Leader of the Council.


          Following election, the Leader of the Council advised of appointments to the Cabinet and allocations of portfolios as follows:


Councillor Paul James                 Regeneration and Economy

Councillor Jennie Dallimore          Communities and Neighbourhoods

Councillor Lise Noakes                 Culture and Leisure

Councillor David Norman              Performance and Resources

Councillor Colin Organ                 Housing and Planning

Councillor Jim Porter                   Environment


The Leader also advised the Council that he had appointed Councillor Dallimore as Deputy Leader of the Council to act in his absence.