Agenda item

Review of Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policies

To receive the report of the Audit, Risk and Assurance Manager on behalf of the Corporate Governance Group which seeks approval for revisions to the Anti-Fraud and Corruption policies the Council has in place.



102.1   Council considered a report of the Audit, Risk & Assurance Manager on behalf of the Corporate Governance Group seeking approval for revisions to the Anti-Fraud and Corruption policies the Council has in place.


102.2   Councillor Wilson (Chair of Audit and Governance Committee) moved the recommendations set out in the report.


102.3   Councillor Hobbs (Vice Chair of Audit and Governance Committee) seconded the motion.


102.4   Councillor Wilson advised that the Strategic Risk Register had identified a need to review the Anti-Fraud and Corruption policies.


102.5   Councillor Smith asked whether the Council still had its own in-house benefit fraud investigation team.


102.6   The Corporate Director of Services and Neighbourhoods advised that benefit fraud was currently undertaken by Civica Revenues and Benefit. He agreed to provide a written response to all Members regarding forthcoming legislative changes.


102.7   RESOLVED That the policies and plan in Appendices A to E of the report be approved.

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