Agenda item

Community Infrastructure Levy - Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule

To receive the report of the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Culture which seeks approval of the Community Infrastructure Levy – Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule, for public consultation purposes.



12.1       Council considered a report of the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Economy seeking approval of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) – Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule for public consultation purposes.


12.2       Councillor James moved the recommendations set out in the report.


12.3       Councillor Taylor seconded the motion.


12.4       Councillor McLellan expressed disappointment that, as it stood, CIL would be of little benefit to Gloucester and he hoped that the situation would change in the future.


12.5       Councillor Taylor noted that the report was considered by the Planning Committee and that there was discontent in respect of some of the land values. He acknowledged that Section 106 contributions were not being abolished  entirely and that it was anticipated that the Joint Core Strategy would help bring in a an income for the CIL.


12.6       Councillor James advised that further viability work would take place and that the CIL would only be adopted if was deemed that it would result in a suitable income, but excessive planning obligations that prevented development were not desirable.


12.7       RESOLVED


(1)        That the publication of the Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule for public consultation purposes be approved;


(2)        That power be delegated to the Head of Planning, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Economy, to prepare the final consultation document.


(3)        That power to approve further stages of public consultation on the Draft Charging Schedule be delegated to the Cabinet.

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