Agenda item

80 Longford Lane - 15/00330/FUL

Application for Determination.


Contact: Development Control (Tel 01452 396783)



The Development Control Manager presented his report which detailed an application for change of use of an existing outbuilding to a separate dwelling. (Resubmission of application refused planning permission under application 13/00875/FUL) at 80, Longford Lane.


He drew Members’ attention to the late material which had been circulated and displayed a number of photographs of the site together with the proposed elevations.


He advised Members that the outbuilding had been built as permitted development as ancillary to the dwelling at 80, Longford Lane and was already a self-contained unit separate to the dwelling.


He noted that the gravel driveway had low level lighting and paving stones on the vehicle trackways and the applicant proposed to provide a hard surface to the turning area. The existing garage door would be replaced by a new domestic front door.


He reported that a similar application had been refused in 2013 and the subsequent appeal had been dismissed. He considered that the application was contrary to national and local policy and therefore recommended that the application be refused.


The Chair invited Councillor Porter as a Ward Member for Longlevens to address the Committee.


Councillor Porter advised that a number of local residents were concerned about this application and had made formal objections to the proposal. He was astounded that there had been a further application for residential use of outbuildings and residents were outraged.


He believed that there were real issues for Members to take into account all of which had been raised before and had been supported by the planning Inspector.


He believed that the writer of the letter of support had sold his property and would moving house and he urged Members to support their officer’s recommendation and refuse the application.


Councillor Williams, also a Ward Member for Longlevens, echoed Councillor Porter’s comments and stated that, in her opinion, the site was not suitable for a dwelling. The narrow access which fed onto Longford Lane which was a busy thoroughfare and she believed that there would be difficulties particularly for delivery vehicles.


She noted that the site boundaries were shared by six properties with mature gardens whose amenity would be shattered. She drew Members’ attention to paragraphs 6.10 and 6.12 of the report and to the Planning Inspector’s conclusions at paragraph 6.16.


The Chair believed that the application represented overdevelopment of the site which would change the character of the area for neighbours. It was not in accordance with policy and the building had been built as permitted development for ancillary use.


Councillor Lewis believed that there was no significant change to the previous application which had been refused at appeal.


Councillor Hilton noted that the planning Inspector had upheld the previous decision of the Committee. He believed that the proposal was cramped and unacceptable and Members had no choice other than to refuse this application as it was similar to that previously refused and which was upheld by the Planning Inspector.


Councillor Toleman believed that granting consent would cause problems for the neighbours.


RESOLVED that the application be refused for the reason in the report.

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