Agenda item

Gloucester Cultural Strategy

To receive the report of the Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure concerning the proposed draft Cultural Strategy 2016-2026 for the City of Gloucester.


77.1       Council considered a report of the Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure concerning the proposed draft Cultural Strategy 2016-2026 for the City of Gloucester.


77.2       Councillor Noakes moved the recommendations set out in the report. She explained that the strategy aimed to change the City’s cultural offer by changing the approach and putting art and culture at the heart of everyday life. She thanked the members of the Interim Culture Board, the consultants, Members and Officers for their involvement in developing the strategy and referenced the extensive consultation process undertaken. She acknowledged that the actions and objectives were ambitious and that the creation of a Culture Board was necessary to oversee delivery. The Council’s commitment to arts and culture would secure significant funding and support from the Arts Council, helping to ensure successful delivery of the strategy.


77.3       Councillor James seconded the motion.


77.4       Councillor Smith stated that while she appreciated the value of arts and culture, she questioned the timing of the proposals, given the Council’s challenging financial circumstances and the funding already provided to Marketing Gloucester Limited. She raised concerns about the costs involved and the ambitious income targets. She stated that there were more important priorities in the City that the Council should be tackling before considering the proposed strategy.


77.5       Councillor Tracey questioned whether it was necessary to have a Board to oversee the strategy and asked what MGL’s involvement would be.


77.6       Councillor Hilton stated that he was not inspired by the proposed strategy. He expressed concern that a Board was being set up with little Member representation or consultation.


77.7       Councillor Haigh stated that a strategy was necessary and that she welcomed some of the proposals, but also had some concerns. She echoed the need for cross-party involvement in the development and monitoring such strategies and questioned why more consultation had not taken place. She acknowledged that it was difficult to justify some of the expenditure at the present time and suggested that MGL should fund the cost of the Board.


77.8       Councillor McLellan noted that he and Councillor Chatterton had been consulted as a result of their involvement in the former Cultural Strategy Steering Group. He added that that MGL should fund the cost of the Board.


77.9       Councillor James advised that the costs associated with setting up the Board had formed part of the Council budget agreed in February 2016 and that it was necessary in order to secure significant funding from the Arts Council. He explained that the aims of the strategy were much broader than the remit of MGL and that the Board was a partnership, not a Council body; its strength and drive would come from its wide-ranging membership. He noted that Members had had an opportunity to comment on the strategy when it was considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and reiterated that the Council had to commit resources in order to progress the strategy.


77.10   Councillor Noakes explained that recruitment processes would be undertaken to appoint an independent Chair, members of the Board and a Director to shape and deliver the strategy. She stated that she was confident in the advice provided in respect of the income targets and reiterated that the Arts Council were providing support and guidance to help realise the Council’s ambition of delivering a thriving arts and culture sector.


77.11   RESOLVED


(1)       That the Cultural Strategy 2016-2026 be adopted;


(2)       That the establishment of a new Cultural Board, as set out in paragraphs 3.5 – 3.7, be noted;


(3)       That the Corporate Director be authorised to enter into an agreement with the formed Cultural Board on terms approved by the Council Solicitor to deliver the Cultural Strategy on behalf of the Council for the period 2016- 2018; and


(4)       That the Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure be appointed as the Council’s nominee on the new Cultural Board.

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