Agenda item

Growing Gloucester's Visitor Economy Action Plan Annual Update 2015

To receive the report of the Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure which updates Members on the progress that has been made in achieving the Growing Gloucester’s Visitor Economy Action Plan during 2015.



The Chair welcomed Councillor Noakes, Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure; Mr Jason Smith, Chief Executive of Marketing Gloucester Limited; and Mr Ross Cook, Corporate Director, to the meeting.


Members were presented with a report which informed them of progress made in achieving the Growing Gloucester’s Visitor Economy Action Plan during 2015.


Councillor Noakes summarised the key headlines in the report before inviting comments from the Committee.


Members discussed the following matters:-


1.       A Member noted that in section 10.2 of the Action Plan there was reference to the introduction of a City Brand by December 2016.  The Member queried the position regarding a re-branding of the City’s Museums.  Councillor Noakes advised the Member that following a consultation exercise a brand had been chosen for the Museums which would be announced on 21 March 2016.   As part of the discussion, Mr Smith briefed the Committee on the consultation process currently being undertaken  for the new City Brand.


2.       Turning to section 10.9 of the Action Plan, the Committee received an update on the meeting held between Marketing Gloucester Limited and the new Managing Director of Cotswold Tourism.  Members were advised of the previous history of Marketing Gloucester Limited’s involvement with the organisation.  Mr Smith informed Members that in the future there would be no direct financial implications for Marketing Gloucester Limited arising from their association with Cotswold Tourism.  During the discussion on this point, a Member reflected on Gloucester being adopted as a ‘nurturing project’ by ‘Visit Britain’ and the fact that the City was being marketed as a tourist destination in South Korea. 


3.       Councillor Noakes referred to the Gloucester Tourist Information Centre’s recent success in achieving a gold award in the South West Tourism Awards and that it was the only Tourist Information from the South West to be shortlisted in the national awards.


4.       The Vice-Chair asked if there were any recent figures relating to the growth in visitor economy in Gloucestershire as the graph in Section 2.3 in the draft strategic plan reflected figures up to 2010; and in terms of the ‘SWOT’ analysis what would be the future number one priority.  Mr Smith advised the Vice-Chair that whilst these were the latest published figures, that data collected during 2015 demonstrated that Gloucester was leading the way.  In relation to the ‘SWOT’ analysis Mr Smith confirmed that the further provision of hotels would be the top priority in future.


5.       A Member noted that in the ‘SWOT’ analysis Gloucester was ranked as 26th out of 573 constituencies in the UK in terms of its crime rate.


6.       A Member referred to the lack of a modern theatre in Gloucester.  Councillor Noakes acknowledged there was a need for a multi-functional venue in Gloucester and that this had been evidenced by recent research commissioned by the Interim Culture Board.  This prompted a discussion by the Committee on the type and location of such a building and how it would be funded.  Mr Smith advised Members that raising finance for such an aspiration was difficult but not insurmountable as grants were available from various sources.  He cited the positive advantages that a venue with a capacity of up to 2,000 people could have for the City which could potentially attract 300,000 visitors in a year.


7.       A Member reflected on the international TV coverage Gloucester had enjoyed during the recent Rugby World Cup tournament and asked what would be done to maintain this publicity for the City into the future.  Mr Smith responded that Marketing Gloucester Limited aimed to produce two newsworthy stores a week and that events such as the Tall Ships Festival sparked international interest in their own right.  He confirmed that public relations was a key factor taken into account when planning events.


8.       A Member commented that more publicity needed to be given to Gloucester’s connection to the jet age.  Mr Smith acknowledged the success of the Jet Age Museum and its importance to Gloucester’s heritage. 


The Chair thanked Councillor Noakes and Mr Smith for their presentations.


RESOLVED – That the annual update on the Action Plan be noted.


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