Agenda item

Progress Report on Devolution Proposal to Government

To receive the report of the Managing Director concerning the devolution proposal submitted to Government by Leadership Gloucestershire


33.1       Council considered a report of the Managing Director concerning a devolution proposal submitted to Government by Leadership Gloucestershire.


33.2       Councillor D. Norman moved the recommendations set out in the report and explained that cross-party support for the work of Leadership Gloucestershire in developing the proposals would be fundamental moving forward. He stated that the primary driver for the submission was achieving the best for the residents of Gloucester and that he considered that it offered the best outcomes for both the authority and residents. He thanked the Managing Director and all involved in the work to date and highlighted the role of the Members’ Working Group in contributing to the process on behalf of their Groups. He advised that it was hoped that a decision on the proposal might be made as part of the Government’s Autumn Spending Review.


33.3       Councillor James seconded the motion.


33.4       Councillor Hilton emphasised the importance of the proposal being locally-led and warned against the creation of unnecessary bureaucracy. He stated that many of the proposals could be achieved without devolution so it was important to be clear about the benefits and carefully consider the governance arrangements for a combined authority. He advised that he would support genuine devolution, but would not support any requirement for an elected Mayor or the erosion of district Councillors.


33.5       Councillor Smith noted that the proposals had to be developed quickly with little opportunity for cross-party involvement and that, moving forward, it would be essential for all Members to be kept informed. She highlighted concerns in relation to additional bureaucracy, local planning processes and the role of civic Mayors and emphasised the role of the Members’ Working Group in scrutinising the proposals as they developed.


33.6       Councillor D. Norman gave assurances that all Members would be briefed as proposals developed and that the Council would ensure that the outcome would be in the best interests of the authority and residents before seeking to commit to it.


33.7       RESOLVED


(1)           The devolution proposal be noted;


(2)           The relevant Cross-Party Members Working Group continues to monitor the development of the devolution proposal, prior to any decisions being brought back to this Council.

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