Agenda item

An Organisation Fit to Deliver Our Ambitions

To receive the report of the Managing Director concerning a review of the senior management structure.


6.1           The Committee considered a report of the Managing Director (MD) concerning a review of the senior management structure.


6.2           The MD reported that the two week consultation period, which included meetings of the Trade Unions Consultation and Employee Forum and informal discussions with Group Leaders and stakeholders, had ended. In response to question raised during the consultation he explained that there were no plans to increase the Corporate Director salaries, that the of Head of Regeneration and Economic Development would not become a third Director and that the structure chart in the consultation document did not indicate an intentional hierarchy of functions. He noted that all respondents supported the proposal to retain two Corporate Directors and that all other comments had related to the functions sitting beneath each of the Corporate Directors. On that basis he sought to revise the recommendations in the report to seek approval to commence the recruitment process for the two Corporate Director posts and to be authorised to vary the remainder of the structure once appointments had been made.


6.3           Councillor Haigh stated that the Committee would need to understand the location of functions and number of posts under each Corporate Director and requested copies of the minutes of the Trade Union Consultation and Employee Forum meetings. She requested that the Committee be given the opportunity to comment on the job descriptions and person specifications.


6.4           Councillor Hilton advised that prospective applicants would need to know the details of the positions they were applying for and the interview panel would need to be clear about the qualities candidates should possess. He queried the recruitment budget and whether the MD was confident of making an appointment at the salary level on offer


6.5           The MD advised that the structure identified in the consultation document would require only minor amendments following consideration of comments received from staff. He explained that he was working with the shared HR service to develop a simultaneous recruitment process, to include an assessment centre element, for both Corporate Director posts to provide flexibility in terms of appointing the best individuals or best team, and that he was confident that appointments would be made at the salary level on offer. He agreed to circulate the job description and noted that the Constitution did not prescribe the selection process, but that the Committee was responsible approving the appointment.


6.6           Councillor D. Norman noted the flexibility available within the salary range and raised concerns about the advert being published too close to the Christmas period.


6.7           The Interim HR Business Partner advised that the cost of recruitment would depend upon whether in-house resources would be utilised or whether an external consultant was required. He added that a single advert would be used for both posts and that it was anticipated that it would published during November.


6.8           RESOLVED


(1)        The proposed senior management structure (namely, a structure involving two Corporate Director posts) be approved.


(2)        The Head of Paid Service be authorised to commence a recruitment process to appoint to these two Director posts, at the salary levels indicated within the report; and


(3)        The Head of Paid Service, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, be authorised to vary the proposed management structure sitting beneath the new Directors once appointed, in order to (a) respond to the respective strengths of the individuals appointed to the positions, (b) to reflect comments received from officers and other stakeholders raised during the consultation process, and (c) respond to any emerging or changing policy priorities.

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