Agenda item

Change in Discount Levels for Class C Empty Properties

To receive the report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources seeking approval to change the level of discount for Class C empty properties from 100% in the first month and 25% in subsequent 5 months, to 25% for the 6 months’ period.


55.1       Council considered a report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources seeking approval to change the level of discount for Class C empty properties from 100% in the first month and 25% in subsequent 5 months, to 25% for the 6 months’ period.


55.2       Councillor D. Norman moved the recommendation set out in the report and explained that the proposed change would generate an additional income of £25,000 for the Council. He noted that the majority of the District Councils in the City had also removed the 100% exemption.


55.3       Councillor James seconded the motion.


55.4       In response to a question from Councillor Smith concerning the Council’s ability to use its own discretion to deviate from the policy in exceptional circumstances, such as extreme financial hardship, Councillor D. Norman advised that he was confident that the Council retained this discretion, but that he would confirm in a written response.


55.5       RESOLVED - That the current Local Council Tax Support Scheme be adopted as the approved scheme for Gloucester City Council for 2016/17.

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