Agenda item

Land north of Innsworth Lane (consultation by Tewkesbury Borough Council)

To consider the report of the Development Control Manager.


The Development Control Manager presented his report which detailed a consultation by Tewkesbury Borough Council in respect of an application being determined by that Council for a mixed use development on land north of Innsworth Lane comprising demolition of existing buildings up to 1300 dwellings and 8.31 hectares of land for employment generating uses comprising a neighbourhood centre of 4.23 ha (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, D1, D2, B1), office park of 1.31 ha (B1) and business park of 2.77ha (B1 and B8 uses), primary school, open space, landscaping, parking and supporting infrastructure and facilities, and the creation of new vehicular accesses from the A40 Gloucester Northern Bypass, Innsworth Lane and Frogfurlong Lane.


Councillor Porter, a ward Member for Longlevens, was invited to address the Committee.


Councillor Porter stated that Longlevens residents were concerned at the impact of this application which was in addition to 700 spaces at Twigworth proposed in the Joint Core Strategy (JCS). There was provision for 800 primary school places but no provision for secondary education places. The area was served by two surgeries which were already operating at capacity.


He stated that the existing infrastructure was totally inadequate for this application. He believed that it should be mentioned that parts of the site were underwater in 2007 and the land was currently in the Green Belt and there was no submission to the secretary of State to remove that protection.


He noted the importance of ensuring that the proposed access to the A40 was completed before development commenced.


He stated that the area had the largest infants and junior schools in the City but these were already full as were the two surgeries. The Universities were expanding and he questioned where the student population would obtain health care.


In conclusion, he requested that the points which he had mentioned be raised with Tewkesbury Borough Council.


Councillor Williams believed that the land should not be in the Joint Core Strategy because of flooding concerns. She noted that Tewkesbury Road flooded regularly; the traffic situation would be made worse; there was no provision for medical care and Gloucester Royal Hospital was full; there was no medical practice proposed and no schools for senior pupils.


Councillor Hilton believed that the application was premature. He stated that the JCS Inspector would want to consider the proposed allocations holistically. He noted that flooding issues could be addressed by linear parks but this could not be achieved through applications considered on a piecemeal basis. He believed that traffic would cause problems and he called for reassurance on drainage issues.


The Chair stated that the site was one which the Council had indicated that it would wish to see developed in the JCS.


Councillor Chatterton expressed concerns regarding medical issues and education provision. He noted that Hunts Grove was a development of similar size in total and had overwhelmed facilities in that locality.


He asked that the following issues be raised in addition to the recommendation:-

·         medical provision

·         primary school places

·         proper secondary school provision

Councillor McLellan asked about the provision of affordable housing and the Development Control Manager advised that 35 per cent affordable housing was proposed and that Tewkesbury Borough Council would seek the views of Gloucestershire County Council on education provision.


Councillor Dee stated that no reliance could be placed on traditional views on what was protected land until the JCS Inspector’s report was available.


Councillor Toleman expressed concern on how the application would address traveller and gypsy issues.


Councillor Lewis noted that Tewkesbury Borough Council would consult the education authority on schools provision.


The Chair proposed that the recommendation had a further point added to make reference to the issues of primary and secondary education; medical provision; highways and drainage.


RESOLVED  that Tewkesbury Borough Council be advised that Gloucester City Council supports the principle of the development proposed in the outline planning application, but requests that careful consideration be given to the following issues either by requiring further information before a decision is reached, or securing the objectives by means of Planning Obligations and Planning Conditions (as appropriate)


1. That the A1 retail floorspace should be for the provision of local food/convenience expenditure, not for comparison spending, as this would impact unduly on other retail centres in Gloucester.


2. That the issue of gypsy and traveller provision should be properly addressed at this outline stage.


3. That if possible the employment land provision should be increased to match the aspirations set out in the JCS.


4. That the opportunities to enhance ecological connectivity in the development site be explored and secured through management agreements.


5. That the issues of primary & secondary education, medical provision, highways and drainage be given careful consideration.


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