Agenda item

Victoria Basin, Gloucester Docks - 14/01377/FUL

Application for determination.


Contact: Development Control – tel: (01452) 396783



Councillor Chatterton, having declared a prejudicial interest in this application, retired to the public gallery and took no part in the debate.


The Principal Planning Officer presented his report which detailed an application for the stationing of a replica pirate galleon with masts at the dockside and use as a café, erection of a bin store, and ramp to pontoon, works to dock side barrier at Victoria Basin, The Docks. 


He advised that the vessel comprised a steel hull with a steel skeleton superstructure clad in timber. It would also have pirate themed accessories added to it including replica cannon, treasure chests, beer barrels and pirate models.


It would be used as a café and for children’s parties, and would seat a maximum of 80 adults and children. A number of staff would be required to run the business.


David Howard, the applicant, addressed the Committee in support of the application.


Mr Howard hoped to address two controversial aspects. He advised that the location had been selected by former British Waterways managers and was bounded on three sides by commercial properties and by a public car park on the fourth. There were no legally permitted residential berths in the basin. Access was good with safety barriers on the dockside.


The vessel had a steel hull with modern fittings, disabled access and fire precautions. The colours were warm and not intimidating to children and would maintain the fantasy.


It was expected to attract thousands of visitors from outside Gloucester. Educational facilities would be provided for school visits including books and artefacts at no charge to schools or pupils.


Jobs would be created for local people with a living wage.


Mr Howard thanked the Principal Planning Officer who had suggested conditions and restrictions. He confirmed he was happy with any restrictions imposed by the Council and he confirmed that the vessel was not to be used as an adult events venue. He noted that the masts would be 8 metres above water level and flags would be 9 metres above water level.


Greg Moger addressed the Committee in opposition to the application.


Mr Moger advised that he was representing boat owners.


He had visited the boatyard and described the vessel as a shed on a dumb barge. It would dominate the preserved Victorian port in a cathedral city. He believed that it would open the doors to tack and he advised that boat owners already tolerated events of short duration. even a temporary permission would set a precedent.


He stated that the proposal would add to parking problems and anti-social behaviour in the area and would destroy the peaceful setting of the Docks.

He noted that the Gloucester Docks Estate Company objected to the proposal and believed that Victoria Basin should remain non-commercial. The Docks had won awards and all the boats using the basin, old or modern, were authentic. He asked Members to reflect before reaching their decision.


Councillor Hilton stated that pirate galleons had never sailed from Gloucester which was a Victorian industrial port. He believed that the proposal would destroy the ambience of the Docks and if the application had been in the form of a building it would be rejected.


He believed that it was a ‘carbuncle’ and granting consent would make the Committee a laughing stock. The other boats using the basin, old and new, were authentic and the proposal represented a poor Disney-style theme park.


Councillor Lewis believed that the application had a place but not in Victoria Basin. He agreed that the wood gave the vessel a warm appearance and children would have a great time aboard but not in this location.


Councillor Dee agreed that the galleon should be located away from the historic Docks as it would ruin the authenticity of the site, possibly further south towards Sainsburys.


The Chair believed that the proposed location was acceptable and would help to link the quays to the City Centre. He had no concerns regarding amenity as the galleon would not be open at night.


Councillor Williams believed that more was needed in the City for young people and children. She noted that the Docks had been intended to provide a mix of entertainment, residential and business uses.


Councillor McLellan agreed with the Chair and Councillor Williams. He believed that the proposed location would be good for children but noted that the owners of the Docks would be able to prevent the development anyway if they did not want it. He noted that the Conservation Officer had not objected.


Councillor Hanman agreed with Councillor McLellan.


Councillor Toleman believed that the galleon was hideous and it would live or die on market forces.


RESOLVED that planning permission be granted subject to the conditions in the report.


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