Agenda item

Gloucester Playing Pitch Strategy 2015-2025

To receive the report of the Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning seeking the adoption of the revised Playing Pitch Strategy and Artificial Grass Pitch Strategy following a period of public consultation.


56.1       Council considered a report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources seeking the adoption of the revised Playing Pitch Strategy and Artificial Grass Pitch Strategy following a period of public consultation.


56.2       Councillor Organ moved the recommendations set out in the report and explained that the strategy had already been endorsed by the Planning Policy Sub-Committee and the Cabinet. He stated that the strategy demonstrated the Council’s recognition of the importance of sport in the City and provided a framework for improvement and future provision. He noted that the consultation resulted in some minor amendments and explained that the Council would drive delivery of the strategy together with the delivery group formed of key stakeholders.


56.3       Councillor Taylor seconded the motion.


56.4       Councillor McLellan welcomed the strategy and stated that he hoped it would be successfully delivered.


56.5       Councillor Hilton thanked the Steering Group for including in the strategy clear guidance in respect of proposals for the former Civil Service Ground, which was owned by a developer. He encouraged the Council to continue efforts to bring the site back into use as a sports field and resist proposals for high-density residential development.


56.6       Councillor Tracey echoed calls to bring the former Civil Service Ground back into use and stated that residential development of the site would have a significant impact on infrastructure in the area. She suggested that the Council gave consideration to a compulsory purchase order.


56.7       Councillor Organ advised that the strategy would not be delivered overnight, but that the delivery group would oversee the implementation of the framework that had been developed. He noted the comments regarding the former Civil Service Ground and agreed that it would be preferable to retain the site as an open space, but as the Council did own the land, no guarantees could be given.


56.8       RESOLVED


(1)       That the Gloucester Playing Pitch Strategy 2015 – 2025, as provided at Appendix 3, and the Artificial Grass Pitch Strategy, as provided at Appendix 4, be adopted by the Council; and


(2)       That an officer led Delivery Group be established for a period of three years from adoption of Gloucester Playing Pitch Strategy 2015 - 2025 and the Artificial Grass Pitch Strategy to monitor, evaluate and review the delivery of the strategies and related action plan as set out in paragraph 9.2, which shall report to the Cabinet on an annual basis.

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