Agenda item

Shield House, 2 Crest Way - 15/01428/FUL

Application for determination:


Reconfiguration of premises including two and single storey extensions, plant and alterations to access.



Contact: Development Control – tel: (01452) 396783




The Principal Planning Officer presented his report which detailed an application for the reconfiguration of premises including two and single storey extensions, plant and alterations to access at Shield House, Crest Way.


He advised that car parking spaces would be reduced from 38 to 13 and the development was expected to create ten jobs.


The application represented welcome investment and a significant improvement to the site.


He reported that the highway authority had no objection subject to conditions and referred Members to the late material which contained an amended recommendation and two additional conditions.


He amended the drawing numbers in Condition 2.


Andrew Bence addressed the Committee in support of the application.


Mr Bence referred to paragraphs 6.6 and 6.7 of the report and he advised that the application would provide a facility for customers of all sizes to rent space for their IT equipment.


There were over eighteen fibre optic networks nearby and the facility would attract businesses to Gloucester.


Around ten jobs would be created on site which would be recruited locally and would also create additional jobs within customers own premises. The intention was to create an IT hub for the South West and Midlands.


Councillor McLellan welcomed the application but expressed concern regarding the path to Duncroft Road. He asked that should it be necessary to close the path during construction it should be for the shortest possible time.


Councillor Brown advised that the pathway was very well used.


The Principal Planning Officer advised that if the path was a Public Right of Way then temporary closure would be a matter for the County Council.


Councillor Brown questioned the source of any noise from a data centre and the Chair noted that it would emanate from air conditioning plant.


Councillor Hobbs believed that the application represented a significant improvement over the existing building but expressed concern over the fencing proposed.


The Principal Planning Officer advised that he had raised this issue with the agent who had submitted a design for the fencing that would be painted black and which had alleviated his concern.


The Development Control Manager noted that the fencing was designed to be visually permeable and that its design was more attractive than other forms of fencing such as palisade fencing.


Councillor Etheridge asked that the security lighting be designed to minimise impact on residents.


RESOLVED that planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions:-


 Condition 1


The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.


Reason: Required to be imposed by Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


Condition 2


The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the approved drawings 1322_300, 1322_305 and 1322_306 received on 29 October 2015; drawing numbers 1322_304A, 1322_308A, 1322_309A, 1322_311 and 1322_312 received on 30 November 2015; and drawing number 1322_313 received on 01 December 2015.


Reason: To ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the

approved plans and in accordance with policies contained within Second

Deposit City of Gloucester Local Plan (2002).


Condition 3


Notwithstanding the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 and Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (or any order revoking and/or re-enacting those orders with or without modification), the premises shall not be used other than as an electronic data centre and shall not be used for any other purpose falling within Use Classes B1 or B8; without express planning permission.


Reason: Alternative use would require further consideration by the Local Planning Authority because of traffic/parking implications, having regard to the provisions of the Gloucester Local Plan, Second Stage Deposit 2002.


Condition 4


The development hereby approved shall not be occupied or operated until the parking and turning areas have been provided in accordance with the approved plans. Such areas shall not be used for any purpose other than the parking and turning of vehicles and shall remain free of obstruction for such use at all times.


Reason:  To ensure adequate car parking within the site, having regard to the provisions of the National Planning Policy Framework.


Condition 5


The development shall not be occupied until visibility splays have been provided extending from a point 2.4m back along the centre of the access measured from the public road carriageway edge (the X point) to a point on the nearer carriageway edge of the public road 54m distant in both directions (the Y points). The area between the visibility splays and the carriageway shall be maintained at all times so as to provide clear visibility between 1.05m and 2.0m at the X point and between 0.6m and 2.0m at the Y point above the adjacent carriageway level.


Reason: In the interests of highway safety, having regard to Policy TR.31 of the Gloucester Local Plan, Second Stage Deposit 2002.


Condition 6


The development hereby approved shall not be occupied unless covered bicycle storage has been provided in the location shown on the approved plans. The covered bicycle storage shall be retained in accordance with the approved plans at all times


Reason:  To ensure adequate provision and availability of cycle parking, having regard to Policy TR.33 of the Gloucester Local Plan, Second Stage Deposit 2002.


Condition 7


The building shall not be clad, rendered or faced in brick unless in accordance with sample panels, which shall have first been constructed on site and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


The sample panel shall show the type, size, colour, bond, pointing, coursing, jointing, profile and texture of the external facing materials.


The approved sample panels shall be retained on site and made available for inspection by the Local Planning Authority for the duration of the construction works.


Reason: In the interests of the character and appearance of the area, having regard to Policy BE.7 of the Gloucester Local Plan, Second Stage Deposit 2002.


Condition 8


The external windows shall be recessed at least 225mm from the outer wall/exterior elevation.


Reason: In the interests of the character and appearance of the area, having regard to Policy BE.7 of the Gloucester Local Plan, Second Stage Deposit 2002.


Condition 9


The boundary fencing shall not be installed unless in accordance with the design specification and photographs submitted by the agent on 04 February 2016 and shall have a black external finish. The boundary fencing shall be retained as such at all times and shall not be replaced with an alternative design or colour finish.


Reason: In the interests of the character and appearance of the area, having regard to Policy BE.7 of the Gloucester Local Plan, Second Stage Deposit 2002.


Condition 10


The development hereby approved shall not be occupied or operated until a lighting scheme to light the public alley on the south side of the site has been implemented in accordance with details that shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The lighting scheme shall be retained at all times.


Reason: To ensure that the adjacent alley is satisfactorily lit in the interests of crime prevention and safety, having regard to Policy BE.5 of the Gloucester Local Plan, Second Stage Deposit 2002.


Condition 11


No development shall commence on site unless details of a surface water drainage scheme, which shall incorporate Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS) principles, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall accord with the submitted Drainage Statement by Momentum Structural Engineers, dated 08.01.2016, unless otherwise first agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


The scheme shall include a programme for implementation of the works; and proposals for future maintenance and management.


The development shall not be carried out unless in accordance with the approved surface water drainage scheme.


Reason:  To ensure sustainable drainage of the development, having regard to Policy FRP.6 of the Gloucester Local Plan, Second Stage Deposit 2002. Approval is required upfront because the design of the drainage is an integral part of the development and its acceptability.


Condition 12


No development shall commence on site unless details of a surface water attenuation/storage works have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall accord with the submitted Drainage Statement by Momentum Structural Engineers, dated 08.01.2016, unless otherwise first agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


The scheme shall include a programme for implementation of the works; and proposals for future maintenance and management.


The development shall not be carried out unless in accordance with the approved surface water drainage scheme.


Reason:  To ensure sustainable drainage of the development, having regard to Policy FRP.6 of the Gloucester Local Plan, Second Stage Deposit 2002. Approval is required upfront because the design of the drainage is an integral part of the development and its acceptability.



Condition 13


Noise levels attributable to services equipment and emergency plant shall not exceed the limits as set in the tables below.


Proposed Building Services Equipment:



Noise from the emergency plant, which may be used during power outages:



Reason: To safeguard the amenities of the area, having regard to Policy BE.21 of the Gloucester Local Plan, Second Stage Deposit 2002.


Condition 14


No construction related activities, including deliveries to or dispatched from the development, shall be undertaken outside the following hours:


Monday to Friday                 0800 to 1800

Saturdays                              0830 to 1300


No such construction related activities or deliveries shall take place on Sundays or Public Holidays.


Reason: To safeguard residential amenity, having regard to Policy BE.21 of the Second Deposit City of Gloucester Local Plan (2002).





Supporting documents: