Agenda item

Revised Licensing Policy Statement - Licensing Act 2003

To receive the report of the Head of Public Protection, which presents the outcome of the consultation on the Draft Revised Licensing Policy Statement and seeks approval to adopt the final draft version of the Statement.


68.1       Council considered a report of the Head of Public Protection concerning the results of the consultation on the Draft Revised Licensing Policy Statement and to seek approval for the adoption of the revised policy statement.


68.2       Councillor Randle (Chair of the Licensing and Enforcement Committee) moved the recommendations in the report and explained it was not adopted in January due to an administrative oversight. She summarised the three consultation responses and reported that two had been incorporated into the revised policy.


68.3       Councillor Patel seconded the recommendations and urged Members to adopt the revised policy statement.


68.4       RESOLVED - That the Licensing Policy Statement 2016-2021 – Licensing Act 2003 be adopted.

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