Agenda item

Declarations of Interest

To receive from Members, declarations of the existence of any disclosable pecuniary, or non-pecuniary, interests and the nature of those interests in relation to any agenda item. Please see Agenda Notes.


71.1       Councillor Smith declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in Agenda Item 12(2), a notice of motion from the Labour Group concerning the grants budget, as she worked at the Law Centre, which received grant funding from the Council. She stated that she would not speak or vote on the item.


71.2       Councillor Lugg declared a personal interest in item Agenda Item 8, a report of the Leader of the Council concerning the appointment of an Honorary Recorder for Gloucester, as she was employed by the Ministry of Justice.


71.3       Councillor Pullen declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 12(2), as his wife worked at Sharp Life and Learning Skills, which received grant funding from the Council.


71.4       Councillor McLellan declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 12(3), a notice of motion from the Labour Group concerning safeguarding training for Councillors, as his wife was a member of the Gloucestershire Safeguarding Children Board.


71.5       Councillors Gravells, Williams, Tracey, Brown, Hilton declared personal interests in Agenda Item 12(1), a notice of motion from the Labour Group regarding the ownership of Parry Hall, as they were serving Members of Gloucestershire County Council.


71.6       Councillor Williams declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 12(3) as she was the County Council Cabinet Member with responsibility for safeguarding.