Agenda item

Phase 5, Railway Triangle - 16/00158/FUL

Application for determination:-


The construction of 22 trade units in five separate blocks under use classes B1, B2 and B8 ranging in size from 116.13 sqm to 232.26 sqm including new vehicular access and associated forecourts, parking and landscaping at Phase 5, Railway Triangle.


Councillor Finnegan joined the meeting.


Members were presented with an application from Rockhaven Developments Limited which sought approval for the construction of 22 trade units in 5 separate blocks under use classes B1, B2 and B6, ranging in size from 116.13 sqm to 232.26 sqm, including new vehicular access and associated forecourts, parking and landscaping.  The application had been referred to Planning Committee as it involved over 1000 sqm of floor space.


The Principal Planning Officer introduced the report and drew Members’ attention to the Late Material circulated which detailed consultation responses received from the Highways Authority, Environmental Protection, Severn Trent, and the Lead Local Flood Authority, all of which indicated that they were now satisfied with the proposals.  No comments had yet been received from the public and as the consultation period did not close until 15 June 2016 the Principal Planning Officer drew Members’ attention to the revised recommendation of the Development Control Manager as outlined in the Late Material which sought delegated power to the Development Control Manager to grant permission subject to the conditions in the report and amendments and additional conditions set out.


Mr Geraint Jones addressed the Committee in support of the application


Mr Jones thanked the Officers and the consultees for their responses.  He stated that the proposed units were in a well-contained site to the rear of the Railway Triangle which already had the benefit of planning permission for industrial use.  The proposals met the approved uses for the site and all technical issues had been resolved.  The scheme would generate 70 jobs and would be geared towards small businesses whilst allowing them growth.  Mr Jones concluded that the developer had a good track record and he hoped Members would support the application.


Members discussed the following matters.


1.       The Chair welcomed the application and was pleased to note that a concern regarding noise had now been addressed by an amendment to the draft Conditions.


2.       Councillor Toleman queried the gull mitigation measures which were included as part of draft Condition 11.  The Principal Planning Officer confirmed that the applicant had submitted a strategy and agreed to send a copy of it to Councillor Toleman. 


3.       Councillor Hanman asked if lorries would be able to access the area underneath the railway bridge. The Principal Planning Officer advised the Member that this route was only open to pedestrians and cyclists.


RESOLVED – That subject to there being no new material planning considerations raised in representations by 15 June 2016 that have not been considered, power be delegated to the Development Control Manager to grant permission, subject to the conditions in the report and the following amendments and additional recommendations.


Environmental protection conditions


Amended Condition 13

The rating level of any noise generated by mechanical plant associated with the development shall not exceed 5db(A) below the existing background (LA90) level at any time. The noise levels shall be determined at nearby noise sensitive premises, and measurements and assessment shall be made in accordance with BS4142: 2014 Method of Rating Industrial Noise Affecting Mixed Residential and Industrial Areas.



To safeguard the amenities of the area in accordance with Policies FRP.9, FRP.10, FRP.11 and BE.21 of the 2002 City of Gloucester Second Deposit Local Plan, Policy SD15 of the Gloucester, Cheltenham and Tewkesbury Joint Core Strategy Submission Version 2014and Paragraphs 17, 109, 120 and 123 of the NPPF.


Delete Condition 14


Highways conditions:


Condition 20

No works shall commence on site (other than those required by this condition or remediation) on the development hereby permitted until the first 20m of the proposed access road, including the junction with the existing public road and associated visibility splays, has been completed to at least binder course level.



To reduce potential highway impact by ensuring that safe and suitable access can be provided for all users in accordance with Section 4 of the NPPF and Policies INF1 and INF2 of the Gloucester, Cheltenham and Tewkesbury Joint Core Strategy Submission Version November 2014. This is required pre-commencement to ensure that safe and suitable access.


Condition 21

No building on the development hereby permitted shall be occupied until the access road(s) (including surface water drainage/disposal, vehicular turning head(s), street lighting, and footways where proposed) providing access from the nearest public road to that building have been completed to at least binder course level in accordance with the submitted plans, and those access road(s), shall be maintained in that form until and unless adopted as highway maintainable at public expense.



To create a safe and secure layout which minimises conflict between vehicles and cyclists or pedestrians in accordance with Section 4 of the NPPF and Policies INF1 and INF2 of the Gloucester, Cheltenham and Tewkesbury Joint Core Strategy Submission Version November 2014.



Condition 22

No development shall take place, including any works of demolition, until a Construction Method Statement has been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the local planning authority. The approved Statement shall be adhered to throughout the construction period.


The Statement shall:


i. specify the type and number of vehicles;

ii. provide for the parking of vehicles of site operatives and visitors;

iii. provide for the loading and unloading of plant and materials;

iv. provide for the storage of plant and materials used in constructing the development;

v. provide for wheel washing facilities;

vi. specify the intended hours of construction operations;

vii. measures to control the emission of dust and dirt during construction



To reduce the potential impact on the public highway and accommodate the efficient delivery of goods and supplies in accordance paragraph 35 of the National Planning Policy Framework and Policies INF1 and INF2 of the Gloucester, Cheltenham and Tewkesbury Joint Core Strategy Submission Version November 2014.


Condition 23

The building(s) hereby permitted shall not be occupied until the vehicular parking and turning and loading/unloading facilities have been provided in accordance with the submitted plan drawing no.A103M, and those facilities shall be maintained available for those purposes thereafter.



To ensure that a safe, suitable and secure means of access for all people that minimises the conflict between traffic and cyclists and pedestrians is provided in accordance with the Section 4 of the NPPF and Policies INF1 and INF2 of the Gloucester, Cheltenham and Tewkesbury Joint Core Strategy Submission Version November 2014.


Condition 24

The development hereby permitted shall not be occupied until the cycle storage facilities have been made available for use in accordance with the submitted plan drawing no. A103M and those facilities shall be maintained for the duration of the development.



To ensure that adequate cycle parking is provided, to promote cycle use and to ensure that the opportunities for sustainable transport modes have been taken up in accordance with paragraph 32 of the NPPF and Policy INF1 of the Gloucester, Cheltenham and Tewkesbury Joint Core Strategy Submission Version November 2014.


Condition 25

The proposed pedestrian crossing and tactile dropped kerbs shall be constructed in full in accordance with the approved plans before any of the buildings hereby permitted are first occupied.



To ensure the development is designed to give priority to pedestrian and cycle movements and provide access to high quality public transport facilities in accordance with paragraph 35 of the NPPF and Policy INF1 of the Gloucester, Cheltenham and Tewkesbury Joint Core Strategy Submission Version November 2014.



Condition 26

The vehicular access hereby permitted shall not be brought into use until the existing roadside frontage boundaries have been set back to provide visibility splays extending from a point 2.4m back along the centre of the access measured from the public road carriageway edge (the X point) to a point on the nearer carriageway edge of the public road 45m distant in both directions (the Y points). The area between those splays and the carriageway shall be reduced in level and thereafter maintained so as to provide clear visibility between 1.05m and 2.0m at the X point and between 0.26m and 2.0m at the Y point above the adjacent carriageway level.



To reduce potential highway impact by ensuring that adequate visibility is provided and maintained and to ensure that a safe, suitable and secure means of access for all people that minimises the conflict between traffic and cyclists and pedestrians is provided in accordance with Paragraph 32 of the NPPF and Policies INF1 and INF2 of the Gloucester, Cheltenham and Tewkesbury Joint Core Strategy Submission Version November 2014.



Note i

There is a public right of way running through the site, the applicant will be required to contact the PROW team to arrange for an official diversion, if the applicant cannot guarantee the safety of the path users during the construction phase then they must apply to the PROW on 08000-514514 or department to arrange a temporary closure of the right of way for the duration of any works.


Note ii

The proposed development will involve works to be carried out on the public highway and the Applicant/Developer is required to enter into a legally binding Highway Works Agreement (including an appropriate bond) with the County Council before commencing those works.


Note iii

You are advised to contact Amey Gloucestershire 08000 514 514 to discuss whether your development will require traffic management measures on the public highway.


Supporting documents: