Agenda item

Former Car Park, Wessex House, Great Western Road. - 16/00303/FUL

Application for determination:-


New surface car park and gateline enclosure with external ramps and stairs at former car park, Wessex House, Gloucester Road.



Councillor Toleman returned to the meeting.


Members were presented with an application from Great Western Railways (GWR) for a new surface car park and gateline enclosure with external ramps and stairs at the former car park, Wessex House, Great Western Road, Gloucester.  The application had been submitted to Planning Committee because the City Council had a direct interest in the site/development.


The Development Control Manager introduced the report and drew Members’ attention to the Late Material circulated which contained the response from the Highways Authority to the proposal.  Members were informed that the Highways Authority had no objections and had requested a number of conditions.  The recommendation of the Head of Planning was to grant planning permission subject to conditions covering matters as set out in the report.


Mr Lewis Ward addressed the Committee in support of the application


Mr Lewis outlined the benefits of the proposed scheme which was necessary to support the projected growth in rail passengers.  The proposal would include a new entrance to the station which would make it easier to get there on foot, or by bicycle or car and improve the whole journey experience.  The applicant had worked closely with the Highways Authority to ensure the case was robust.  Mr Lewis thanked the City Council’s Officers for the professional way they had dealt with the application. He concluded by saying that GWR were proud of the community they served and he asked the Committee to support the application.  


Members discussed the following matters.


1.       The Chair welcomed the application and commented that it would open up the station from the other side.  Councillor Lugg concurred with this view.


2.       Councillor Brown referred to the ‘Better Railway Stations’ report of 2009.  He noted the provision of cycle spaces and queried whether 1 electric charging point was sufficient.  The Development Control Manager advised the Member that he was unaware of the contents of that report.  Councillor Brown requested that the number of electric car charging points be reviewed.


3.       Councillor Finnegan asked if there was a lift in addition to the ramp to the new entrance.  The Development Control Manager responded that there was a lift on the platform to access the footbridge, but not from the car park to the platform.


4.       Councillor Toleman queried whether the car park would be reserved exclusively for railway users.  The Development Control Manager advised the Member that this would be a matter for the car park management.  Councillor Lewis commented that in view of the proximity of the site to the Hospital it was important to have the correct car parking charging regime in place and he hoped that GWR and the Hospital would liaise on this matter.


5.       Councillor Dee reflected that the expanse of brick wall would lend itself well to some public art and that signage and the GWR logo would add interest to the park.  Councillor Lewis echoed this view.


6.       The Chair asked the Development Control Manager to summarise the conditions which would be attached to the planning permission.


RESOLVED – That  planning permission be granted subject to conditions covering the matters below:-


1.       Commencement of development.

2.       Approved documents.

3.       Drainage details.

4.       Details of railings.

5.       Details of materials.

6.       Construction management programme.

7.       Details of tree and shrub planting.

8.       Further review of the numbers of both disabled and cycle spaces.

9.       Provision of a 3m wide marked route in the site for use by both cyclists and pedestrians.

10.     Completion of access arrangements.

11.     Details of electric charging facilities.


Supporting documents: