Agenda item

Public Realm Strategy

To receive the report of the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Economy that proposes that the draft of the ‘Gloucester Public Realm Strategy 2016’ be approved for a six week period of public consultation


The Chair welcomed Councillor Paul James (Leader of The Council and Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Economy) and Anthony Wilson (Head of Planning) to share the proposal that the draft “Gloucester Public Realm Strategy 2017” be approved for a six week period of public consultation.


Councillor James explained the importance of the Public Realm Strategy and urban environment to attracting private investment into the City. He said that key to the strategy was a consistent approach to both the quality and appearance of the public realm throughout the City. He said that as the public realm would be part funded by the Council and part funded by the private sector, the Council would consult stakeholders for input during the six week consultation. He said that after this consultation, the Public Realm Strategy would become part of supplementary guidance to the City Plan.


Anthony Wilson informed the Committee of an amendment to the document in the agenda. He explained that Section 3.8 of the Public Realm Strategy had been removed from the strategy and added to an action plan to be acted upon in the short term.


Councillor Dee stated that the linkages to the City Centre were of great importance and that he had concerns that the linkage beside the old prison was not mentioned in the Public Realm Strategy. He stated that as this was one of the flatter linkages, it needed to be developed in an attractive manner. Councillor James noted Councillor Dee’s comments and explained that this linkage would be part of the Blackfriars redevelopment.


Councillor Lewis praised the City’s current provision of seating but requested this be expanded, as this would be of particular benefit to older members of the community and would make the city appear busier. He stated a preference for seating made from warm materials rather than cold materials such as stone.


Councillor Haigh asked for clarification regarding Paragraph 4.1 of the report, as she said that this paragraph did not meet its stated purpose of addressing ABCD considerations. Councillor James stated that it referred to the public having a say on the document, not suggesting they install the public realm themselves.


Councillor Hawthorne stated that the maps contained within the Public Realm Strategy required clarification and that the lack of landmarks and road names made it difficult to orientate oneself. The Chair agreed with this and Councillor James said this would be looked into.


Councillor Hawthorne asked for further details regarding engagement with vulnerable groups, as outlined in section 4.9 of the Public Realm Strategy. He particularly wanted to raise concerns regarding the impact upon people with dementia of new and modern street furniture which can compound the confusion they experience. Councillor Hawthorne asked for clarification on what considerations had been given to this and how the disability user audit in section 4.9 of the strategy would be undertaken. Councillor James explained that vulnerable groups would be consulted on a project by project basis to assess the impact and necessary adjustments required. He explained that the Council would be guided by Officers with knowledge of the sector, in order to ensure consultation was undertaken with a wide range of groups. Anthony Wilson reassured Councillor Hawthorne that there was a network of groups which were consulted, but that he was always looking to widen this network. He asked for Members to share any details with him of organisations which would add to this network.


Councillor Wilson stated that it would be beneficial if a summary leaflet could be produced, as the strategy document was large and may not be accessible to all. Councillor James said he would be happy to look into this.


Councillor Haigh highlighted the need to be aware of the impact of hidden disabilities and to take these into account when designing the public realm. She also asked for details regarding the organisations which are regularly consulted. Councillor James said he didn’t have this information to hand but would be happy to circulate it after the meeting.


Councillor Haigh highlighted the need for better lighting in the city centre and for street surfaces to be as non-slip as possible. Councillor James noted these comments and said the City Council had been in talks with the Highways Agency about street lighting.


Councillor Hilton commended the Public Realm Strategy document but said he had a number of comments regarding it. He commented that the strategy mentioned surfaces as a concern but an area which particularly needed to be looked at for both this and general regeneration was outside Shire Hall. He particularly highlighted the need to make the mural at Shire Hall viewable again, as it was currently obscured by foliage. He also wanted to make it clear that any public realm work should be aware of potential impact on car parking availability in surrounding areas. Councillor James noted these comments from Councillor Hilton.


Councillor Hilton explained to the Committee that he had seen decorative drain covers in Salamanca, which drew upon the history and culture of the city. He suggested that Gloucester could follow a similar model and use the covers to inform residents and visitors of the rich history and culture of Gloucester. Councillor James noted this and requested Councillor Hilton send him further information regarding the drains in Salamanca for consideration.


Councillor Morgan commended the report for its thoroughness and suggested an increase in mosaics throughout the city, to add to the public realm and emphasise the Roman history of the City. Councillor James noted this response but shared that mosaics required a large amount of upkeep and the cost of this may be prohibitive.


The Chair thanked Councillor James and Anthony Wilson for their presentation.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted


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