Agenda item

St Aldates Church, Finlay Road - 14/00449/FUL

Application for determination:-


Demolition of Church Hall and vicarage.  Proposed residential development comprising of 12 one and two bedroom flats, 3 two bedroom houses 6 three bedroom houses and  2  two bedroom bungalows. New vehicular access from Reservoir Road with associated parking at St Aldate’s Church, Finlay Road.



Councillor Lugg having declared a personal interest withdrew to the Public Gallery during the consideration of this item.


The Principal Planning Officer presented her report which detailed an application for the demolition of the Church Hall and vicarage. Proposed residential development comprising of 12 one and two bedroom flats, 3 two bedroom houses, 6 three bedroom houses and 2 two bedroom bungalows. New vehicular access from Reservoir Road with associated parking at St Aldate’s Church, Finlay Road.


She drew Members’ attention to the late material which contained a consultation response from the Environmental Planning Manager and two additional representations.


Councillor Haigh, as Ward Member, addressed the Committee. She stated that at first there been a sense of loss within the community but the Church Hall was no longer in use. There was an awareness of the urgent need for additional affordable housing. She congratulated the White City community for finding a solution which had suited everybody.


Councillor Coole, as Ward Member, addressed the Committee. He stated that there was a need for good quality affordable homes in the ward.  He noted that the Church Hall was a wooden structure which was no longer used and the Diocese would be providing a significant sum towards a new community facility.


Councillor Haigh advised that there was some community use of the church but it did not answer the needs of the Community.


Mr Tim Wade, Head of Development, Rooftop Housing Group Ltd, addressed the Committee in support of the application.


Mr Wade stated that the proposal was the result of much joint working and negotiations to deliver high quality affordable housing and a new community facility. He thanked Council officers and the Diocese for their assistance.


He noted that the mixed development of houses, flats and bungalows had received input from the South West Design Panel and Historic England and would also improve access to the Church and car park. The design had retained as many existing trees as possible and there would also be new planting. He noted that the window design for the homes was robust to counter noise from the roads.


Ms Dawn Adams, Director of the White City Community Interest Company, addressed the Committee in support of the application.


Ms Adams stated that the first reaction was the loss of another community facility and the Church Hall had been registered as an Asset of Community Value. There had been consultation to establish the need for a community facility and the Church building was not suitable for community use. She stated that the Diocese had gifted the proceeds of the sale for community use and she noted that it would be hard work to raise the balance of the funding. She stated that a five year plan was in place and should that fail to meet the target an alternative plan had been prepared.


The Vice Chair applauded the initiative of the local community but he expressed concern that vehicular access to the houses facing the road would involve people driving in and reversing out in to the road.


Councillor Morgan shared the Vice Chair’s concern and he requested an update from the Highways Officer.


The Chair noted that people did tend to back out into that road but when traffic was queueing they were usually let into the traffic stream.


The Highways Officer stated that the trip generation had been calculated to be 10/12 vehicles in the peak hour. She noted that it was similar to many other roads in the City and had no fundamental concerns as there was direct access to the road and good visibility. She advised that the tracking exercise may require minor adjustment but that would not affect the delivery of the development or retention of trees.


Councillor Toleman questioned the need to demolish the vicarage. The Principal Planning Officer advised that Historic England had been consulted but the building had no official protection and its retention would have compromised the amount of development on the site.


The Chair welcomed the provision of 100 per cent affordable housing and he believed that the layout looked good and was sensitive to the existing trees and the Church building.


RESOLVED that planning permission be granted subject to the provisions in the report.

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