Agenda item

Allstone Sand and Gravel, Myers Road - 16/00948/OUT

Application for determination:-


Outline application for housing and student accommodation; car parking, road, footpath and drainage infrastructure; ground works; provision of open space and landscaping; and demolition of existing buildings and structures. (All matters reserved) at Allstone Sand and Gravel, Myers Road.


The Principal Planning Officer presented the report which detailed an outline application for housing and student accommodation; car parking, road, footpath and drainage infrastructure; ground works; provision of open space and landscaping; and demolition of existing buildings and structures (All matters reserved) at Allstone Sand and Gravel, Myers Road.


He drew Members’ attention to three further representations contained in the late material.


He stated that the development of this brown field site would provide a mix of housing types and contribute to the City Council’s five year land supply. The purpose-built student accommodation would free up affordable housing elsewhere in the City.


He noted that the present use of the site was somewhat of an eyesore and did not present a very good entrance to the City for people arriving by rail. He stated that the present use did not sit comfortably with the nearby residential environment with issues relating to dust, noise and traffic.


He believed that this proposal could encourage the continuing regeneration of the Railway Triangle site.


He noted that land contamination issues affected the site due to both the present use and the previous use as railway locomotive sheds although Environmental Protection considered that, subject to conditions, the site could be remediated.


He advised that the site was within Flood Zone 1 and the Wotton Brook had a history of flooding but the Council’s Drainage Engineer and the Local Lead Flood Authority were satisfied with the proposals subject to appropriate conditions.


He noted that vibration from the railway could be an issue but Environmental Protection believed that the positioning of the development was acceptable subject to appropriate conditions.


He referred Members to paragraph 7.7 which noted that the viability assessment submitted by the applicant had been independently assessed by a consultant on behalf of the City Council. The consultant had confirmed that the viability of the development was marginal with no affordable housing provision and no Section 106 contributions.


The Vice-Chair believed that this was a complex site and the present use was no longer appropriate. He was concerned by the proximity of the railway lines but noted that any problems would be mitigated by condition.


He expressed disappointment that the development could not deliver any affordable housing or Section 106 contributions but he understood the reasons for that.


He believed that the proposal would be good for Gloucester and that the provision of student accommodation would free up much needed housing at the lower end of the market in the City.


Councillor Morgan concurred with the Vice-Chair and looked forward to considering the reserved matters. He shared the disappointment at the lack of affordable housing and asked if the developers could look at that again.


Councillor Lugg noted that visitors to Wotton Lawn Hospital used the Irish Club parking and recalled complaints in the past from the Swallow Estate.


The Chair understood that the constraints of the site including heavy contamination prevented the provision of affordable housing but he believed that the proposals represented betterment for the site.


RESOLVED that the Head of Planning be authorised to grant planning permission subject to the conditions in the report and resolution of the other matters detailed in paragraph 9 of the report.




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