Agenda item

16/01558/OUT - Land to the rear of 3-29 Paygrove Lane

Application for determination:


Outline application (with means of access offered for consideration) for residential redevelopment of up to ten dwellings and public open space including associated landscaping, car parking and access on land to the rear of 3 – 29 Paygrove Lane.



The Principal Planning Officer presented the report which detailed an application for outline planning consent (with means of access offered for consideration) for residential redevelopment of up to ten dwellings and public open space including associated landscaping, car parking and access on land at the rear of 3-29 Paygrove Lane. He advised that the photographs shown at school collection time should be taken as context only and not necessarily typical of the traffic scenario.


He advised Members that the late material contained the comments of the Lead Local Flood Authority and a revised Officer’s recommendation.


Richard Wallace, a resident of Paygrove Lane, addressed the Committee in opposition to the application.


Mr Wallace stated that he had lived in Paygrove Lane for twelve years and was he speaking on behalf of other residents who objected to the proposal on three grounds:-


1)    Highway Safety


 He stated that the photographs displayed showing the road during School pick up times were not typical. He stated that parking restrictions were not enforced and on one occasion he almost been knocked down by a Police car driving on the pavement.


He believed that the parking spaces proposed for users of the sports pitches would be used by parents collecting or dropping off children.


2)    Proposed Layout


All the proposed dwellings backed on to existing properties which would cause problems relating to overlooking, privacy and devaluation of existing properties. He expressed concerns that the indicative layout could become the permitted layout and he considered that the indicative drawing showed the proposed dwellings in the worst possible position.


3)    Proposed Public Open Space


He called for more balance in the use of the proposed Public Open Space as other uses including play areas were needed.  He noted that other pitches in the vicinity were only used on Saturdays and one weekday. He believed that there should be public consultation on use of the space.


In conclusion, he reiterated concerns regarding highway safety and the proposed layout which had most negative impact on residents. He noted that the proposed dwellings would be overlooked by the existing homes and he believed that the development would not be able to produce the expected return.



Rob Ellis, a chartered planning consultant, addressed the Committee in support of the application.


Mr Ellis stated that the land which was in the ownership of Gloucestershire County Council had been vacant and unused since the 1990s and the County Council had no further use for the site. The site had long been identified as a potential housing site, as a preferred option for up to fifteen dwellings and public open space in August 2016 and as policy area SA10 in the emerging City Plan.


The applicant had worked with the City Council to provide amendments and further information as required.


The proposal for this sustainable development would produce ten much needed homes and a new area of Public Open Space. It would help to address the identified shortfall of sports pitches in the City and would provide a commuted sum and Section 106 contributions.


The Chair noted that the layout was only indicative but was pleased to see the provision of Public Open Space.


The Vice-Chair welcomed the provision of Public Open Space and noted that the application concerned the principle of development and access. He noted that the Highway Authority was satisfied with the access and he asked what work had been undertaken in that regard.


The Highways Officer replied that pre-application discussions had taken place and an in-depth assessment had been undertaken. He noted that there was congestion at School collection and drop off times and improvement works had been undertaken some years previously. He believed that the impact of this development would be small during those times.


Councillor Walford welcomed the Public Open Space and agreed that the impact on traffic would be small but he expressed concern that the indicative layout could be improved upon.


Councillor Morgan agreed with Councillor Walford that the proposed layout could be improved. He believed that changing facilities should be provided but if there was insufficient demand it would be better to provide children’s play areas. He called for the Reserved Matters application to be brought to Committee.


Councillor Toleman agreed with the previous speakers but believed that there should be further public consultation on the Public Open Space.


Councillor Lugg noted that the School traffic could make use of the proposed parking spaces which could improve the situation.


The Principal Planning Officer advised that, from a planning perspective, the extent of the loss of field area was c0nsidered acceptable given the ability to accommodate junior pitches shown on the indicative layout, and should the City Council so wish, it could consult on the use of the Public Open Space.


Councillor Dee noted that two serviced pitches with changing facilities would be of more value to the community.


Councillor Hyman was advised that no consultation other than that publicising the planning application had been undertaken but other consultation on the use of the public open space could take place outside the planning system. He noted that it would be difficult not to approve the proposal.


Councillor Fearn was advised that if the Public Open Space was adopted by the Council it would have control over any future proposal to develop the land.


The Chair requested that the Reserved Matters application be brought to Committee in due course.




1)    the Head of Planning (or such equivalent officer managing the Council’s development control function as may be applicable at the time) be authorised to grant outline permission subject to the resolution of the potential noise impact issues from vehicular movements; and if outline planning permission is to be granted it shall be subject to the conditions in the Committee Report (and any further conditions necessary to deal with outstanding matters) and completion of a legal agreement to secure;


A contribution of £35,290 to primary school education (specific infrastructure is Longlevens Infants and Juniors).


A contribution of £28,150 to secondary school education (specific infrastructure is Churchdown Academy).


Transfer of approximately 0.9ha to the City Council as public open space


Provision of car park to accommodate 22 spaces in grasscrete or similar


A commuted sum for maintenance of pitches (to be agreed)


A commitment to a commuted sum for maintenance of any drainage infrastructure that is sited on land to be adopted by the City Council


and also to delegate to the Head of Planning (or such equivalent officer managing the development control function as may be applicable at the time) the incorporation of such additional provisions in the proposed planning obligation that may be deemed necessary by the Solicitor.


2)     The associated Reserved Matters application be brought to the Committee for determination in due course.













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