Agenda item

Land at Gloucester Bus Station - 17/00622/FUL

Application for determination:


Variation of Condition 3 of planning permission 15/01142/FUL  for the demolition of buildings, tree removal and redevelopment of site to provide a new bus station, highways and access works, landscaping and associated infrastructure works including provision of emergency staircase on existing NCP car park. The variation is for the reduced footprint to the hub element and main building and amendments to the design, height, materials, cycle parking, landscaping and trees on land at Gloucester Bus Station.



The Principal Planning Officer presented the report which detailed an application for the variation of condition 3 of planning permission 15/00622/FUL  for the demolition of buildings, tree removal and redevelopment of site to provide a new bus station, highways and access works, landscaping and associated infrastructure works including provision of an emergency staircase on existing NCP car park. The variation is for the reduced footprint of the hub element and main building and amendments to the design, height, materials, cycle parking, landscaping and trees at Gloucester Bus Station.


She outlined the proposed amendments detailed in paragraph 1.8 of the report.


Mr Peter Monk, a retired Chartered Surveyor, addressed the Committee in opposition to the application.


Mr Monk stated that the proposed amendments would tear the heart out of the approved scheme. He referred to the seriously reduced provision of toilet facilities at a time when Gloucester was showing signs of an upsurge. He also objected to the style of fencing proposed.


He thanked the Principal Planning Officer for her clear exposition of the application.


He referred to the Planning Advisory Service 2007 publication ‘Design and Access Statements’ which clearly stated that function should concern Planning and this included toilets. The variation proposed to remove both male and female washrooms which would be an inadequate provision and the small washbasins proposed would inevitably overflow causing cleaning problems.


He noted that buses from the Forest of Dean and other outlying areas were usually full due to the sparsity of the services and did not have on-board toilets.


He did not believe that the 24 hour disabled toilet was necessary and reminded Members that the British Toilet Association recommended that females should have twice the provision for males.


Mr Philip Ardley, Regeneration Consultant for Gloucester City Council, addressed the Committee in support of the application.


Mr Ardley stated that he was passionate about delivering a modern bus station for the City by August 2018. He believed that the existing facility was a dis-incentive  to use public transport at time when visitor numbers were increasing. He advised that there was no reduction in bus facilities  with 12 bus bays and over 100 seats in a modern concourse. The passenger information facility would also sell tickets.


He advised that the reduction in the footprint of the hub was due to technical reasons as an unexpected 3.5 deep large metre diameter sewer had been discovered and whilst Severn Trent would divert but it could only be a short distance due to constraints imposed by other utilities. He noted that the number of toilets had been compromised but those proposed would be robust and of high quality. An additional toilet accessible to wheelchairs and families would be provided in the baby changing room.


He noted that the other changes were minor and should be considered in the context of a major transport facility. The anticipated planning application for King’s Quarter would provide additional toilet facilities.


He advised Members that any delay could compromise the development.


The Chair reminded Members that the issue before them was the variation of condition.


Councillor Lugg expressed concern regarding the number of toilets proposed and suggested that the proposal would only work if the facilities were to be made unisex.


The Vice-Chair stated that the toilets were his only concern but questioned the external access to the disabled toilet. He was advised that the main facility would be closed between midnight and 5.00 or 6.00 am.


Councillor Hanman was advised that the variation was solely due to the technical constraints described.


Councillor Dee suggested the immediate deployment of temporary toilets.


Councillor Morgan suggested that a condition be imposed to require the provision of an adequate number of temporary toilets.


The Head of Place advised that temporary toilets were in place but were presenting challenges in terms of maintenance and security. He stated that this could be investigated and possibly implemented on an incremental basis. He advised that Phase 2 would take at least another two years.


The Development Control Manager advised that introduction of unisex toilets would not require planning permission.


The Vice-Chair was advised that any reduction in the size of the café would adversely affect its viability.


Councillor D.Brown was advised that the significant reduction of facilities was not a planning reason for refusal in these circumstances.


The Chair noted that Officers had heard Members’ concerns regarding toilet provision.


RESOLVED that consent be granted subject to the conditions in the report.


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