Agenda item

Emergency Accommodation & Housing Service Transformation and Options for the Delivery of Affordable Housing

To receive a presentation on plans for Emergency Accommodation & Housing Service Transformation and Options for the Delivery of Affordable Housing.


56.1    The Chair welcomed Councillor Organ - the Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning, the Head of Place, the Head of Housing Services and the Strategic Housing Officer.


56.2    The Chair informed the Committee that a presentation would be provided.


56.3    Councillor Pullen stated that he welcomed the fact that a presentation would be shown. He shared his view that, if there was a plan and/or policies, it was necessary for the Committee (where requested) to have sight of these in advance of a decision being made. He asked the Chair to check with the Monitoring Officer whether presentations rather than reports were the appropriate medium through which to deliver the scrutiny function. 


56.4    Councillor Wilson concurred and suggested that this could arise in the future.


56.5    Councillor Organ advised that the general idea was that the presentation was a form of consulting and that it was important to understand an outline of any potential proposals. In response to a query from Councillor Pullen as to whether the policy would come back to the Committee when it was formulated, Councillor Organ confirmed that it would and that it was important to keep the Overview and Scrutiny Committee abreast of developments. The Chair confirmed that he would write to the Monitoring Officer for clarification.


56.6    The Head of Housing Services and the Strategic Housing Officer gave the presentation on Options for Affordable Housing and Proposals for Homelessness service transformation and provided an overview of the key issues.


56.7    It was noted that Central Government believed that the housing market was dysfunctional. It was further noted that, while Gloucester was more affordable than other districts, the ratio of income to housing costs had risen in recent years.


56.8    The Strategic Housing Officer informed the Committee that housing need in the City would be dealt with over the period of the Joint Core Strategy and that 194 affordable properties per year was planned.


56.9    With regard to homelessness, the Committee was informed that the number of households that had been prevented from becoming homeless had decreased and that this was, in part, due to the fact that there was considerable difficulty in securing private sector accommodation with increased rents. Affordable housing targets and what had been achieved were outlined as were the new Joint Core Strategy requirements and targets. 


56.10  The Head of Housing Services explained the new Homelessness Reduction Act which followed some Welsh legislation and had been welcomed as broadly positive. She further explained that this required a personal housing plan and the Council could end its obligations in the event of non-compliance. 


56.11  With regard to possible options, the Committee was informed that what proposals could be put was being examined. It was also stated that working with Tewkesbury Borough Council was very important as was ensuring that Gloucester's housing needs were being built.


56.12  Councillor Hampson enquired as to what proportion of homeless cases were due to evictions. Councillor Patel further queried what proportion of evictions were due to unpaid rents. The Head of Housing Services stated that the Council does not record the number that were due to unpaid rents. With regard to evictions more generally, the Head of Housing Services advised that she did not have the figure immediately to hand but that it was increased. 


56.13  Councillor Lewis noted that planning regulations presented real difficulties in terms of providing affordable housing and queried what the position would be were Tewkesbury to not cooperate. 


56.14  The Head of Housing Services advised that the JCS strategic assessment took into account all three districts and that Cheltenham was also involved. Councillor Organ further advised that there was a duty on the three districts to cooperate. 


56.15  In response to a query from Councillor Lewis regarding at what point would the Council examine the need to take land, Councillor Organ stated that brownfield sites would be the focus. The Chair queried whether, given issues with profit viability, developing brownfield sites would make the provision of affordable housing less likely. Councillor Organ advised that every case would be judged on its respective merits.


56.16  Councillor Wilson cited the number of affordable housing provided both last year and this year in the context of the target of building 194 units each year. He queried whether there was a target to make up the shortfall. Councillor Organ stated that part of the JCS was to make the whole area work and that the Council did not control the physical act of building properties. 


56.17  In response to the Chair's query as to why the Council could not initiate its own housing company as suggested by the former Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, Councillor Organ stated this would be possible if the correct resources were in place. He also noted that it was a high risk strategy given the number of factors beyond the Council's control such as a rise in interest rates.


56.18  Councillor Hilton stated his view that it was good the issues were being examined as, for example, the number of families on waiting lists was unacceptable. He stated that there could be a housing company that doesn't build properties and that the Council should seriously consider purchasing properties. 


56.19  Councillor Taylor shared his view that it was necessary to tell Central Government that more housing was required. 


56.20  Councillor Organ stated that regeneration was a key part of resolving housing issues and further highlighted the issues with land occupancy. The Corporate Director further advised that it was important to recognise that organisations involved in building and housing had a number of interests.


56.21  RESOLVED:- That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee  note the presentation consider policy proposals when they are due to be put forward to Cabinet.