Agenda item

Tourist Information Centre Service Development

To consider proposals for Service Development with regard to the Tourist Information Centre.


Please note that Appendix 1 is exempt from disclosure to the press and public by virtue of Paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 as amended (information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person including the authority holding that information). If Members wish to discuss Appendix 1 the Overview and Scrutiny Committee will need to resolve to exclude the press and public before doing so.



105.1  Councillor Noakes, Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure, introduced the report and highlighted the key matters. She detailed the changing nature of the Tourist Information Service and the need for the Tourist Information Centre to move to shared accommodation with another cultural venue.


105.2  In response to the public question regarding whether the Transport Hub would be a viable option for the Tourist Information Centre, the Corporate Director stated that this option had been considered but had not been taken forward for a number of reasons. The Transport Hub was less central to City Centre visitors; digital visitor information was being provided at the Transport Hub and transport ticketing was being provided directly by bus operators at the Hub, both factors might lead to duplication or redundancy; and relocation of the TIC at a new site that was not shared with an existing city venue would not yield the expenditure savings and staffing efficiencies offered by co-location at an existing site.


105.3  Councillor Wilson shared his concern that the TIC would lack visibility if it were to merge with another cultural venue. He questioned how the TIC would be publicised when it moved. The Cabinet Member replied that there would be sufficient publicity to ensure the public were aware of the new location. The Corporate Director stated that if Gloucester were awarded the Cultural Development Fund, it would help towards clearer signage for the Guildhall and the TIC, it would also help increase footfall to the Guildhall making it a preferable venue for the TIC.


105.4  The Chair sought clarification regarding accessibility issues in relation to the Guildhall venue. In response the Cabinet Member stated that an accessibility audit had been carried out for both locations, both received a 5 star rating for their accessibility.


105.5  Councillor Pullen shared his view that it would be more beneficial for the TIC to move to the new Kings Quarter development once it had been completed, giving the TIC a central venue or to a venue near the Cathedral. He stated that of the two options laid out in the report, the Museum was more viable due to its tourism function and would help increase footfall to the Museum. The Cabinet Member replied that footfall for the Guildhall would also increase if the TIC were to move there. She further stated that in order to fulfil the budgetary savings, a shared location and combined service was preferred.


105.6  The Corporate Director explained that due to the changing nature of visitor information services a combined service was preferable, with an increase in online ticket sales, the focus had shifted towards events and ‘what’s on’ information. He stated that the synergy between the Guildhall function and TIC was greater making it a preferable venue for the TIC move.


105.7  The Chair shared his concern that the Museum proposal had not been given the appropriate amount of consideration by Officers. In response the Cabinet Member stated that the preference of the administration was to have a combined service and the Museum was seen as a valid alternative.


105.8  In response to a query from the Vice-Chair regarding the need for a TIC service in light of the reduced footfall and increased online information service, the Cabinet Member stated that there was still a need for a face-to-face service.


105.9 Councillor Haigh shared her concerns that the Guildhall would not be a suitable venue for the TIC due to the poor signage and visibility and poor accessibility to the first floor, where the TIC would be located. She further stated that moving the TIC to the Museum would increase footfall and revenue making it the preferable option as it also provides ground floor access.


105.10 Councillor Morgan shared his view that there were negatives to both venue options. He queried the urgency of the move and questioned whether other locations had been considered. In response the Corporate Director stated that it was not location change that was the primary driving factor of the move, more the need to for a shared cultural service.


105.11 The Cabinet Member clarified that a number of different locations had been considered however the Guildhall and Museum were the most viable options.


105.12 Councillor Hampson shared his view that there was a need for a more comprehensive permanent solution and suggested the TIC should be shared between both the Guildhall and the Museum. The Cabinet Member replied that the idea had merit and would make the best of staff knowledge across both venues.


105.13 The Corporate Director stated that Officers would consider the practicality of a two venue option if that was the wish of the Committee. The Museum would house the TIC gift shop making a two location TIC possible.


105.14 Councillor Lewis shared his concern that the Guildhall interior and lay out was not inviting to visitors, which would result in a decreased footfall for the TIC. He agreed with Councillor Hampson that a two location TIC would be preferable. He further stated in regards to a long term strategy the TIC would be best placed in the new Kings Quarter development.


105.15 Councillor Pullen sought clarification on the difference between the TIC and the Tourist Information Service. In response the Cabinet Member stated that the Tourist Information Service was the service of providing visitor information to the public whereas the TIC was the physical centre that the Tourist Information Service operates from. 


105.16 Councillor Dee shared his view that there was no urgent need to move the TIC, as it was in a prime location presently. He stated that it would be more beneficial to wait until the Kings Quarter development was finished and then move the TIC to that location as it was more central.


105.17 Councillor Taylor agreed with Councillor Dee, stating that in long term it would be preferable for the TIC to move to Kings Quarter. He shared his view that neither venue was ideal but he understood the need to make immediate budgetary savings.


105.18 Councillor Lewis proposed to recommend to Cabinet that: The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure compile an additional report exploring the option of having a shared TIC across the Guildhall and Museum and the report be brought before the Committee. This was carried.


105.19 The Spokesperson proposed to recommend to Cabinet that: The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure compile a separate report of the plans for the agreed location and that the plans be made in consultation with the relevant user groups to be brought before the Committee. The recommendation was put to a vote and carried.


105.20 Councillor Hilton and Haigh proposed to recommend to Cabinet that: the Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure compile a new report detailing the impact and cost of moving the TIC and other venue options. The recommendation was put to a vote and lost.


105.21RESOLVED:- That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee RECOMMEND to Cabinet that further consideration be given to the option of providing two tourist information spaces at the Guildhall and the Museum of Gloucester with a report being compiled AND a separate report be compiled in due course providing the Committee with information on how the tourist information facility (or facilities) will be designed and outfitted and what prior consultation would be undertaken with relevant user groups and clients.

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