Issue - meetings
Air Quality Management Areas
Meeting: 07/03/2018 - Cabinet (Item 105)
105 Local Air Quality Management PDF 259 KB
To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Environment and Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods that updates Members on local air quality within the City and outlines measures that intend to form part of a new air quality action plan for the City.
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 Air Quality Report 2018, item 105
- Appendix 2 Air Quality Report 2018, item 105
PDF 272 KB
(1) the importance of raising awareness of air quality in order to empower residents to make positive choices is endorsed.
(2) authority is delegated to The Head of Communities in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Communities & Neighbourhoods to undertake a consultation exercise with the Gloucester Taxi Trade on proposals to introduce air quality considerations into the Council’s taxi licensing policy.
(3) the development of an air quality action plan for the City to be completed by autumn 2018 be endorsed and presented back to this Cabinet for information.
Cabinet considered the joint report of the Cabinet Members for Communities and Neighbourhoods and for Environment that updated Members on air quality within the city and outlined measures intended to form part of a new air quality action plan.
The Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning highlighted the breadth of monitoring in the city and drew Members’ attention to the Gloucester’s high rank in the Centre for Cities’ national low emissions table.
(1) the importance of raising awareness of air quality in order to empower residents to make positive choices is endorsed.
(2) authority is delegated to The Head of Communities in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Communities & Neighbourhoods to undertake a consultation exercise with the Gloucester Taxi Trade on proposals to introduce air quality considerations into the Council’s taxi licensing policy.
(3) the development of an air quality action plan for the City to be completed by autumn 2018 be endorsed and presented back to this Cabinet for information.