Issue - meetings
Review of Shopmobility Fee Schedule
Meeting: 07/02/2018 - Cabinet (Item 94)
94 Shopmobility Fees and Charges PDF 302 KB
To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods proposing a new ‘fees and charges’ structure for the City Council’s Shopmobility service.
Additional documents:
(1) Following the outcome of the statutory consultation, the proposed service charges set out in paragraphs 3.8, 3.11 and 3.12 are adopted and implemented during the week beginning Monday 5March.
(2) Shopmobility charges are reviewed annually and adjusted in line with cost of living indicators.
Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods that proposed a new fees and charges structure for the Council’s Shopmobility Service.
The Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods noted that there were 197 current members of the scheme and emphasised its importance for both residents and visitors to the city. She commented on the need to generate income so that it remains good value to both users and taxpayers while protecting the service into the future. The Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods summarised the outcome of the public consultation and recognised that the proposals would impact people’s use of the service which she reassured Members would be monitored.
(1) Following the outcome of the statutory consultation, the proposed service charges set out in paragraphs 3.8, 3.11 and 3.12 are adopted and implemented during the week beginning Monday 5March.
(2) Shopmobility charges are reviewed annually and adjusted in line with cost of living indicators.