Issue - meetings
Social Enterprise Grounds Maintenance Pilot
Meeting: 13/06/2018 - Cabinet (Item 6)
6 Local Delivery of Grass Cutting in Podsmead PDF 146 KB
To consider the joint report of the Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods and Cabinet Member for Environment updating Members on the implementation of a local grass cutting trial being undertaken in Podsmead via a Social Enterprise Model and the positive impacts it aims to deliver.
(1) the implementation of the trial scheme for the 2018 grass cutting season and its potential positive impacts as set out within the report be noted;
(2) delegated authority be provided to the Head of Communities in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Communities & Neighbourhoods and the Cabinet Member for Environment to formally implement such an arrangement in 2019, subject to a review of the trial period, which will be undertaken following the close of the 2018 grass cutting season, and
(3) the approach of devolving the delivery of public open space management for the benefit of our communities (as set out within this report) and actively engage our communities through conversations to explore potential interest be endorsed.
Cabinet considered the joint report of the Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods and the Cabinet Member for Environment that sought to update Members on the implementation of a local grass cutting trial being undertaken in Podsmead via a Social Enterprise Model and the positive impacts it aimed to deliver.
The Cabinet Member for Environment described the background to the project and highlighted the benefits to and support from the local community. The Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods emphasised the pioneering nature of devolving such powers to communities, commented on the enthusiasm with which the Podsmead community has engaged with the opportunity and looked forward to how it may develop especially as other communities have shown an interest. The Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Economy expressed the desire to see the model rolled out to other communities that want it.
(1) the implementation of the trial scheme for the 2018 grass cutting season and its potential positive impacts as set out within the report be noted;
(2) delegated authority be provided to the Head of Communities in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Communities & Neighbourhoods and the Cabinet Member for Environment to formally implement such an arrangement in 2019, subject to a review of the trial period, which will be undertaken following the close of the 2018 grass cutting season, and
(3) the approach of devolving the delivery of public open space management for the benefit of our communities (as set out within this report) and actively engage our communities through conversations to explore potential interest be endorsed.