Issue - meetings
Statement of Common Ground for Gloucestershire
Meeting: 06/03/2019 - Cabinet (Item 104)
104 Statement of Common Ground for Gloucestershire PDF 105 KB
To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy informing Members on progress being made in respect of a strategic planning framework for Gloucestershire to 2050 and beyond, and to secure the Council's support for the preparation of a non-statutory `Statement of Common Ground’.
RESOLVED that the Council works in partnership with the five other Local Planning Authorities, Gloucestershire County Council and the GFirst LEP to develop a Strategic Planning Framework for Gloucestershire, to 2050 and beyond, via the preparation of a ‘Statement of Common Ground’.
Cabinet considered the report of the report of the Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy that informed Members on progress being made in respect of a strategic planning framework for Gloucestershire to 2050 and beyond, and that sought to secure the Council's support for the preparation of a non-statutory `Statement of Common Ground’.
The Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy outlined the principal benefits of the proposal. The Cabinet Member for Policy and Resources welcomed the opportunity for more `joined up thinking’ between authorities and commented on the particular advantages for the communities that straddle the City boundaries.
RESOLVED that the Council works in partnership with the five other Local Planning Authorities, Gloucestershire County Council and the GFirst LEP to develop a Strategic Planning Framework for Gloucestershire, to 2050 and beyond, via the preparation of a ‘Statement of Common Ground’.