Issue - meetings
Council Plan Extension – Priorities and actions for 2020/21
Meeting: 09/07/2020 - Council (Item 17)
17 Council Plan Extension – Priorities and Actions for 2020/21 PDF 238 KB
To consider the report of the Leader of the Council seeking approval for the proposed actions and priorities that are set out for the one year Council Plan extension in 2020-2021.
Attached for information: the recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee in respect of the above.
Additional documents:
- Council Plan Extension – Priorities and Actions for 2020-21 (Appendix 1), item 17 PDF 211 KB
- Recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, item 17 PDF 166 KB
- Item 9 Amendment, item 17 PDF 207 KB
Meeting: 20/05/2020 - Cabinet (Item 136)
136 Council Plan Extension – Priorities and Actions for 2020/21 PDF 99 KB
To consider the report of the Leader of the Council seeking a recommendation that Council approve the proposed actions and priorities that are set out for the one year Council Plan extension in 2020-2021.
Additional documents:
RECOMMENDED to Council that the one year extension to the Council Plan and the priorities and actions outlined in Appendix 1 of the report be approved.
Cabinet considered the report of the Leader of the Council that sought a recommendation for Council to approve the proposed actions and priorities that were set out for the one year Council Plan extension in 2020-2021.
The Leader of the Council introduced the report as an opportunity to complete more actions from the 2017-20 plan and develop others in addition. He summarised the proposals for each priority and highlighted the most significant activities. In relation to the priority identified to reduce homelessness (Appendix 1 3.10), the Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods commented on the importance of taking forward what had been learnt from the COVID-19 response. In particular she highlighted the role of the Council beyond its statutory duties influencing and working with partners and all parties to find solutions to benefit communities. The Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy reiterated that working with others was essential. He drew Members’ attention to the Housing Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2020-25 developed through collaboration with the Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods, providers and partners and advised them that he was exploring a range of activities and innovations to achieve its aims. The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure looked forward to progressing the cultural elements of the proposed extension. He commented on the vital contribution various organisations across the sector have made and will make to help people recover from the COVID-19 lockdown with mental and physical stimulation. The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure paid special tribute to the activities of the Gloucester Culture Trust in engaging people and reaching out to communities during the pandemic.
RECOMMENDED to Council that the one year extension to the Council Plan and the priorities and actions outlined in Appendix 1 of the report be approved.