Issue - meetings
Establishing a City Centre Commission
Meeting: 17/06/2020 - Cabinet (Item 6)
6 City Centre Commission PDF 412 KB
To consider the report of the Leader of the Council seeking approval to establish a City Centre Commission for Gloucester.
(1) the Council invites the Dean of Gloucester, the Very Reverend Stephen Lake, to establish a City Centre Commission for the purpose of developing and overseeing the delivery of a 10 Year Vision for the City Centre
(2) the Regeneration Advisory Board be replaced by City Centre Commission
(3) a budget of £10,000 be made available from the Regeneration Reserveto support the administration of the Commission during 2020/21
(4) Cabinet receives an annual progress report on the City Centre Commission and, subject to satisfactory progress, consider a further annual grant of up to £10,000 to support the work of the Commission.
Cabinet considered the report of the Leader of the Council that sought approval to establish a City Centre Commission for Gloucester.
The Leader of the Council listed some of the successful regeneration projects in which the Regeneration Advisory Board had been instrumental and highlighted the need for the new focus on revitalising the city centre to be provided by the proposed Commission. The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure stressed the importance of having the right person, such as the Dean of Gloucester, to lead the Commission. He asked if the Dean had agreed to his nomination in the report. The Leader of the Council confirmed that he had.
(1) the Council invites the Dean of Gloucester, the Very Reverend Stephen Lake, to establish a City Centre Commission for the purpose of developing and overseeing the delivery of a 10 Year Vision for the City Centre
(2) the Regeneration Advisory Board be replaced by City Centre Commission
(3) a budget of £10,000 be made available from the Regeneration Reserveto support the administration of the Commission during 2020/21
(4) Cabinet receives an annual progress report on the City Centre Commission and, subject to satisfactory progress, consider a further annual grant of up to £10,000 to support the work of the Commission.