Issue - meetings

Declarations of Interest

Meeting: 15/12/2020 - Saintbridge Trust (Item 1)

Declarations of Interest

To receive from Trustees, declarations of the existence of any disclosable pecuniary, or non-pecuniary, interests and the nature of those interests in relation to any agenda item.


1.1          Councillor Gravells clarified that he would be acting as a trustee and not as the City Council’s Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy.


1.2          Councillor Coole declared a personal interest as a sitting ward Councillor for the area of which the trust land was a part and also as a local resident. They confirmed that they would not be acting as a Councillor and was not pre-determined in any way.


1.3          Councillor Derbyshire declared a personal interest as a local resident but that she would be acting as a trustee.


1.4          The Chair declared an interest as a ward Councillor for the area of which the trust land was a part but that she was not pre-determined.


1.5          Councillor Taylor declared a personal interest as he lived close to the land.


1.6          Councillor Lugg declared an interest as a ward Councillor for the area of which the trust land was a part but that she was not pre-determined.