Issue - meetings
Great Place Evaluation
Meeting: 10/03/2021 - Cabinet (Item 105)
105 The Great Place Programme PDF 342 KB
To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure seeking Members to note that the 3-year Great Place Programme delivered between 2017 and 2021 is coming to a close and report on the results of the independent evaluation on the successful delivery and significant impact of the programme in Gloucester.
Additional documents:
(1) the significant positive impact of the Great Place Programme is noted and welcomed
(2) everyone involved in delivering the Programme is thanked for the roles they have played in the achievement
(3) when a suitable opportunity arises, efforts are made to formally celebrate the achievements of the Great Place Programme.
Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure that sought Members to note that the 3-year Great Place Programme delivered between 2017 and 2021 was coming to a close and report on the results of the independent evaluation on the successful delivery and significant impact of the programme in Gloucester.
The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure advised Members that Gloucester was now widely recognised as a place on the `cultural map’ and external organisations had shown their faith in the city with increased funding which was in no small part due to the hard work and passion of the former Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure the late Councillor Lise Noakes. He drew Members’ attention to the independent evaluation (appendix 1) and especially the 9% increase in the number of people expressing pride in the city and its finding that Gloucester had made exceptional progress in a short amount of time. The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure noted that the whole city had and would continue to benefit from growing cultural activity and investment for which he thanked all officers, partner organisations and the funding bodies but especially the Gloucester Culture Trust and its trustees. The Cabinet Member for Environment commented that both culture and regeneration had shown a similar progression forwards in the city and he looked forward to its continuation. The Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods informed Members that she too had noticed an increased confidence and positivity in the city which demonstrated Councillor Noakes had been right in her belief in what Gloucester could become.
(1) the significant positive impact of the Great Place Programme is noted and welcomed
(2) everyone involved in delivering the Programme is thanked for the roles they have played in the achievement
(3) when a suitable opportunity arises, efforts are made to formally celebrate the achievements of the Great Place Programme.