Issue - meetings
Announcements (under Rule 2 - Council Procedure Rules)
Meeting: 18/03/2021 - Council (Item 78)
At the discretion of the Mayor, to receive the following extraordinary announcements, which will not be subject to a time limit:
a) Presentation of Mayor’s Medal to Hash Norat, in recognition of important and significant contributions to the City of Gloucester
b) Announcement of recipients of Council awards recognising outstanding contributions to the pandemic response by the Cabinet Member for Communities for Communities and Neighbourhoods, with comments from Group Leaders
c) Tributes to Councillors not seeking re-election on 6 May 2021 from Group Leaders
To receive announcements from (10 Minutes):
a) The Mayor
b) Leader of the Council
c) Members of the Cabinet
d) Chairs of Committees
e) Head of Paid Service