Issue - meetings
Matter for Reports
Meeting: 07/09/2021 - Planning Committee (Item 28)
28 Robinswood Inn, Matson Avenue, Gloucester - 20/00847/OUT PDF 317 KB
Application for determination: -
Construction of four dwellings and six apartments. Outline planning application with all matters reserved.
Additional documents:
Councillor Toleman was not present at the start of the discussion of the item, and therefore, took no part in the discussion or voting on the item.
The Principal Planning Officer (Housing Delivery) presented the report detailing an application for the Construction of four dwellings and six apartments.
The Principal Planning Officer (Housing Delivery) responded to members’ questions concerning whether or not the properties would be wheelchair accessible, the type of bins that would be used, landscaping, whether a condition could be imposed to require two houses and one dwelling be built as opposed to the proposed one apartment and two dwellings, whether there was a condition imposed relating to charging points, the type of trees that would be planted, whether there would be a parking permit scheme and whether the contribution of £32,830.40 proposed for secondary school provision could be ringfenced for the local ward as follows:
- Matters regarding landscaping would be considered at the reserved matters stage and looked at thoroughly by the Landscape Officer.
- If the trees planted were too close to any property, this would be looked at in-depth by the Tree Officer during the reserved matters stage.
- The application was not at the stage where there would be considerations about whether the dwellings would be wheelchair accessible. The application before Committee was considering the principle of development on the site.
- The proposed apartments would have larger bins and houses would have standard sized bins.
- The contribution of £32,830.40 would be ringfenced for the Gloucester Secondary Planning Area.
- The drawings at this point were purely indicative.
- Financial viability needed to be considered regarding whether to introduce a condition to build two houses and one apartment. The scheme overall proposed 30% affordable housing, which was above policy.
- There would be an expectation that properties would have their own allocated parking.
Members’ Debate
Councillor A.Chambers stated that he believed it would have been beneficial to have a condition imposed that would require the building of two houses and one apartment. He added, that overall, he believed that it was a good scheme that would maintain green space, would retain trees and that the scheme overall would have 30% affordable housing, which was above policy.
The Chair moved, and the Vice-Chair seconded the officer’s recommendation, as amended in the late material.
RESOLVED that: - subject to the completion of a Section 106 agreement to provide the following:
1) 3 affordable dwelling units (one house and two apartments); and
2) £32,830.40 for secondary school provision in the Gloucester Secondary Planning Area.
Planning permission is granted subject to the conditions outlined in the report.