Issue - meetings

Scrutiny Work Programme 2009 - 10

Meeting: 25/04/2022 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 128)

128 Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme and Council Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 200 KB

To receive the latest version of the Committee’s work programme and the Council’s Forward Plan.

Additional documents:


128.1  The Chair introduced the latest version of the Council Forward Plan and invited suggestions as to any items Members wished to add to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme. It was agreed that following a revised Cabinet date, the Gloucester Local List would be added to the agenda for the meeting on Monday 6th June. The Committee agreed that they would be content to receive a written update on the Community Infrastructure Levy Review (New Charging Schedule) to note for information only.


128.2  The Chair confirmed that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee were due to hold a Community Safety session on Monday 4th July and invited suggestions from Members as to what they were hoping for from the session. Councillor Hilton suggested that the Committee request an update from Gloucestershire County Council’s Emergency Planning Team. The Chair added that he was aware that representatives from ‘Put The Knives Down’ had expressed an interest in attending the session. Councillor Sawyer expressed an interest in inviting representatives from organisations working to improve safety for women in Gloucester.


128.3  Councillor Hilton requested that the Committee receive an ICT recovery update and it was agreed that this update would be added to the agenda for the meeting on Monday 4th July.


128.4  Councillor Gravells suggested that the Committee request an update on how the Homes for Ukraine scheme was progressing in Gloucester and the Committee agreed to add this item to the meeting on Monday 4th July.


128.5  Councillor Pullen requested that the action point item providing updates on previous Council notices of motion be reinstated. It was noted that this item had been deferred from Overview and Scrutiny Committee agendas for the past few months due to the ongoing IT disruption which the City Council was experiencing. Members agreed to remind officers of the wording of motions which had been approved by full Council, and to send requests for an update on a particular notice of motion to the Democratic and Electoral Services Officer.




1)    That the Overview and Scrutiny Work Programme be amended to reflect the above and


2)    To NOTE the Work Programme.