Issue - meetings

Performance Report - Determination of Planning Applications

Meeting: 05/07/2022 - Planning Committee (Item 12)


Application for determination:


Development of site to create fourteen industrial units having Planning Use Class E(g) (iii), B2 & B8 uses with ancillary offices, plus trade counter uses for Units 9 to 14, carparking, service areas and soft landscaping along with highways works to Chancel Close.




The Principal Planning Officer presented the report detailing an application for

development of a site to create fourteen industrial units having Planning Use Class E(g) (iii), B2 & B8 uses with ancillary offices, plus trade counter uses for Units 9 to 14, carparking, service areas and soft landscaping along with highways works to Chancel Close.


The Principal Planning Officer responded to Members’ questions concerning the number of electric vehicle charging points there would be, solar panel installation, the height of the buildings and which operators would use the site as follows:


- The developer proposed to meet a 10% renewables contribution from solar

panels. He had proposed a condition to require further detail on the

appearance of any solar panels on the roofs.

- There was a commitment by the applicant to include a substantial number of

electric vehicle charging points.

- The applicant was not required to divulge which operators would use the site

and the Officer was unaware of any at the time.

- The largest building at the back of the site would be around 17 metres tall,       which would not be detrimental to the character of the area. The buildings at

the front of the site would be significantly smaller. Comparisons to the height

of other large buildings in the area were provided.


The Highways Officer responded to Members’ questions concerning parking

provisions and whether there was a consideration to create a slip road into the site as follows:


- 197 parking spaces would be provided. Of these, 28% would have electric

vehicle charging points.

- A slip road would not be created. The current arrangement significantly

reduced the speed of vehicles entering the site, helping to protect pedestrian

and cycle safety.



Members’ Debate


Councillor Tracey noted that the application may slow traffic but that overall, she saw no planning reasons for refusal.


Councillor Melvin stated that she was pleased with the application. She said that its central location meant that jobs would be provided within walking distance of local properties and that she supported the recommendation of the officer.


Councillor J. Brown stated that she was pleased to see that there was a condition imposed that required there to be seagull mitigation measures put in place before any development.


 The Chair said that he believed that it was a sensible application.


 The Chair moved, and the Vice-Chair seconded the officer’s recommendation as amended in the late material:


RESOLVED that: - planning permission is granted subject to the completion of a legal agreement to secure a financial contribution for Travel Plan monitoring as at paragraph 6.73 of the report and the conditions outlined in the report and amended in the late material.