Issue - meetings

Scrutiny Work Programme 2009 - 10

Meeting: 28/11/2022 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 60)

60 Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme and Council Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 243 KB

To receive the latest version of the Committee’s work programme and the Council’s Forward Plan.

Additional documents:


60.1    The Chair, Councillor Pullen, introduced the latest version of the Council Forward Plan and invited suggestions as to any items Members wished to add to the Overview and Scrutiny Work Programme. It was noted that the Chair and Vice-Chair had proposed some amendments to the Work Programme due to revised report dates on the Cabinet Forward Plan.


60.2    Members indicated their support for removing the City Plan from the meeting on 9th January and replacing this item with the Council Plan 2022-24 Update Report.


60.3    Councillor Gravells emphasised that it was important for Members to bring suggested items to Overview and Scrutiny Committee meetings. He asked whether the Committee could receive an update on the ‘Here to Help’ reporting facility, and how well it was working for residents and Members raising issues on their behalf. Councillor Wilson and the Chair indicated their support for this idea, and it was agreed that this item would be added to the Work Programme.


60.4    In response to a request for an update from Councillor Gravells on the items which had yet to be allocated a date on the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme, the Democratic and Electoral Services Officer explained that she was in touch with colleagues in Gloucestershire County Council and Gloucestershire NHS Trust and would confirm dates for the Transport and Integrated Care System sessions in due course. It was agreed that items which had been removed from the Forward Plan would also be removed from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme, and would be reinstated should they receive a new Cabinet date.


60.5    The Chair noted that the Group Leads had been advised that several local authorities were establishing Task and Finish Groups to investigate whether there were any widespread systemic mould and damp issues within local social housing. The Chair asked Members whether the Committee would like to commission a similar Task and Finish Group. It was agreed that enquiries would be made with all Councillors to ask Members who were interested in taking part in the Task and Finish Group to put themselves forward, and if there was sufficient interest, the Overview and Scrutiny Committee would formally approve the membership.




1)    That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme be amended to reflect the above and


2)    To NOTE the Work Programme.