Issue - meetings
2022-2024 Year End Council Plan Update
Meeting: 14/06/2023 - Cabinet (Item 6)
6 2022-2024 End of Year Council Plan Update PDF 137 KB
To consider the report of the Leader of the Council providing an update on the delivery of the activities as outlined in the Council Plan 2022-2024 intended to build a greener, fairer, better Gloucester.
Additional documents:
RESOLVED that progress on delivery of the Council Plan 2022-2024 is noted.
Cabinet considered the report of the Leader of the Council that provided an update on the delivery of the activities as outlined in the Council Plan 2022-2024 intended to build a greener, fairer, better Gloucester.
The Leader of the Council outlined the priorities driving the Plan (3.2) and highlighted some of the most significant achievements (3.5). The Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources reminded Members that the report had been considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (5th June 2023 Minute 10) without recommendations for Cabinet.
RESOLVED that progress on delivery of the Council Plan 2022-2024 is noted.
Meeting: 05/06/2023 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 10)
10 2022-2024 Year End Council Plan Update PDF 139 KB
To consider the report of the Leader of the Council providing an update on the delivery of the activities as outlined in the Council Plan 2022-24 to build a greener, fairer, better Gloucester.
Additional documents:
10.1 Councillor Norman introduced the report which provided an update on the progress made in delivering the activities as outlined in the Council Plan 2022-24 to build a greener, fairer, better Gloucester. She reminded Members that the Council Plan was approved unanimously by Council in January 2022, and that the Plan detailed planned projects and activities between 2022 and 2024 to achieve the ambition of improving the lives of everyone who lives in, works in and visits Gloucester.
10.2 Councillor Norman reminded Members of the three priorities in the Council Plan which set out how the council will achieve its vision, namely building greener, healthier and more inclusive communities, building a sustainable city of diverse culture and opportunity and building a socially responsible and empowering Council. She explained that the Plan set out 45 actions, split equally across these priorities and noted that delivery of these actions in the first year was encouraging. Councillor Norman referred Members to Appendix 1 of the report, which provided an update on each action.
10.3 The Chair asked whether a timeline for the draft Food Strategy was in place. Later in the meeting, the Managing Director confirmed that this strategy had been considered and approved by Cabinet.
10.4 In response to an additional query from the Chair regarding GL4, the Managing Director advised that GL4 was a community organisation based in Matson.
10.5 Councillor Wilson referred to the narrative around the plan to set up an in-house Home Improvement Agency and requested clarification as to whether progress on implementing this agency was delayed as a result of the cyber incident alone, or whether it had been delayed prior to the incident. The Housing Innovation Manager confirmed that the delays had been caused by the cyber incident, however as the recovery had progressed, the team now hoped to bring this action forward.
10.6 In response to a further query from Councillor Wilson regarding progress made on the Gloucester Digital Strategy, Councillor Norman noted that the Officers responsible for overseeing this strategy had been focusing on the recovery from the cyber incident. The Managing Director confirmed that ongoing conversations were taking place regarding a digital strategy for Gloucestershire, and Officers were deliberating on whether it might be sensible to wait for the outcome of the county-wide strategy discussions before progressing a refresh of the Gloucester Digital Strategy.
10.7 Councillor Pullen referred to the plan to deliver a quality leisure offer for residents and asked for further information as to the reasons behind the delay. Councillor Norman confirmed that this was connected to the Leisure and Culture Options Appraisal which had been approved by Cabinet back in 2022 to extend the current contract with the current provider for one year.
10.8 Councillor Pullen expressed concerns around the confirmation in the report that the reduction of the use of Bed and Breakfast accommodation for temporary accommodation by 20% was not expected. He asked whether the council expected to see an increase in the number of households needing temporary ... view the full minutes text for item 10