Issue - meetings
Blackbridge Sports Hub
Meeting: 12/07/2023 - Cabinet (Item 16)
16 Blackbridge Sports Hub PDF 123 KB
To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources and the Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure seeking Members to approve the acquisition of land from Gloucestershire County Council for the purpose of leasing it and additional land to Blackbridge Charitable Community Benefit Society (BCCBS) to build a community sports hub provided that certain pre-conditions are satisfied.
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 Plan of Land to be Transferred from Gloucestershire County Council, item 16
PDF 396 KB
- Appendix 2 Plan of Land to be Leased to BCCBS, item 16
PDF 624 KB
- Appendix 3 Details of Environmental Implications, item 16
(1) the acquisition of land from the County Council for £1 subject to a restriction that the land acquired is used only as a community sports hub (see plan of land in appendix 1 of the report) is agreed
(2) following the completion of the acquisition of the land from the County Council, a 125-year lease at a minimal rent to BCCBS (see plan of land in appendix 2 of the report) is granted.
(3) it is agreed to delegate authority to the Head of Finance and Resources in consultation with the Asset Management Team to agree the terms for the acquisition of the land from the County Council and for the disposal by way of a 125-year lease to BCCBS
(4) authority is delegated to the Director of One Legal to prepare and conclude the necessary legal documentation to:
a) reflect the acquisition terms negotiated and agreed between the County Council and the Council and to execute such documents
b) reflect the lease terms negotiated and agreed between the Council and BCCBS and to execute such documents.
Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources, and the Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure that sought approval from Members for the acquisition of land from Gloucestershire County Council for the purpose of leasing it and additional land to Blackbridge Charitable Community Benefit Society (BCCBS) to build a community sports hub provided that certain pre-conditions be satisfied.
The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure advised Members that the Planning Committee (4th July 2023 Minute 11) had resolved to grant permission for the erection of dwellings at New Dawn View subject to the required s106 Agreement being completed. He reminded them that the report had been considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (3rd July 2023 Minute 20). The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure commented that the proposed lease to BCCBS would result in an exceptional facility to be proud of and that he believed it would be welcomed by the majority of the communities it will serve.
The Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources stated that the recommendations (2.1) were critical to progressing a potentially fantastic amenity that was a priority in the Gloucester City Plan 2011-31. In her capacity as one of the relevant ward councillors she acknowledged that some residents were uneasy with the proposals but emphasised that a holistic view should be taken. The Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources thanked all those who had produced what was a large piece of work.
The Cabinet Member for Environment informed Members that he was that sorry some people were against the plans but that he thought the Sports Hub would be of huge benefit to the City.
(1) the acquisition of land from the County Council for £1 subject to a restriction that the land acquired is used only as a community sports hub (see plan of land in appendix 1 of the report) is agreed
(2) following the completion of the acquisition of the land from the County Council, a 125-year lease at a minimal rent to BCCBS (see plan of land in appendix 2 of the report) is granted.
(3) it is agreed to delegate authority to the Head of Finance and Resources in consultation with the Asset Management Team to agree the terms for the acquisition of the land from the County Council and for the disposal by way of a 125-year lease to BCCBS
(4) authority is delegated to the Director of One Legal to prepare and conclude the necessary legal documentation to:
a) reflect the acquisition terms negotiated and agreed between the County Council and the Council and to execute such documents
b) reflect the lease terms negotiated and agreed between the Council and BCCBS and to execute such documents.
Meeting: 03/07/2023 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 20)
20 Blackbridge Sports Hub PDF 123 KB
To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources and the Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure seeking Members to approve the acquisition of land from Gloucestershire County Council for the purpose of leasing it and additional land to Blackbridge Charitable Community Benefit Society (BCCBS) to build a community sports hub provided that certain pre-conditions are satisfied.
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 - Plan of Land to be Transferred by County, item 20
PDF 396 KB
- Appendix 2 - Plan of Land to be Leased to BCCBS, item 20
PDF 624 KB
- Appendix 3 - Details of Environmental Implications, item 20
20.1 The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure, Councillor Andrew Lewis, introduced the report and explained that it proposed that Cabinet approve the acquisition of the freehold interest in land from Gloucestershire County Council, for the purpose of leasing the land plus additional land owned by the Council to Blackbridge Charitable Community Benefit Society (BCCBS) to build a community sports hub. He reminded the Committee that part of the land was currently subject to an outline planning application which was due to be considered by the Council’s Planning Committee on Tuesday 4th July 2023.
20.2 Councillor Lewis expressed his support for the acquisition, noting that building a community sports hub in the south of the city would complement the Oxstalls facilities in the north. He also noted that the development of a community sports hub would support the aims of the Council’s Sports and Physical Activity Strategy.
20.3 The Chair confirmed that he supported the Blackbridge development and that he felt as the local ward Member for Podsmead that it was the right thing for the Council to do. He further commented that he felt that a 125-year lease was a positive move in that it would provide security and preserve the land for that particular use. The Chair referred to the legal implications set out at section 10 of the report and risk and opportunity management implications set out at section 11, and asked whether these indicated that there were significant risks around the proposals, or whether the Council was simply being diligent. The Asset Management Officer explained that with a large scheme, there would inevitably be risks involved and the provisions set out in sections 10 and 11 of the report aimed to address these risks and cover every eventuality.
20.4 The Chair commended BCCBS for their work in leveraging additional funding, observing that it was impressive for a charitable organisation to obtain such a significant contribution towards the estimated £5 million cost of the scheme. Councillor Lewis noted that the Council had supported BCCBS but had stepped back from driving this exercise.
20.5 Councillor Wilson commented that the scheme was impressive and uplifting, and expressed the view that a community sports hub would be a positive contribution to the city. He further noted that BCCBS should be commended for raising so much money for the scheme. Councillor Wilson referred to 3.11 in the report and requested clarification as to access arrangements which the Asset Management Officer provided.
20.6 Councillor Castle reflected on provisions at the Aspire Leisure facility and asked whether additional consideration needed to be given to car parking facilities at the sports hub. Councillor Lewis stated that parking provision was a matter which would have been considered by the Planning Committee when the initial Blackbridge Sports Hub application was determined back in June 2023 and noted that the Gloucestershire County Council Highways Team were satisfied that sufficient provisions were in place.
20.7 The Chair provided additional information around the proposed parking arrangements and stated ... view the full minutes text for item 20