Issue - meetings

Performance Report - Determination of Planning Applications

Meeting: 06/06/2023 - Planning Committee (Item 5)

5 Land at Snow Capel, Winnycroft Lane, Gloucester - 22-00519-FUL pdf icon PDF 381 KB

Application for determination:


Residential development of 180 no. dwellings (Class C3); vehicular, pedestrian and cycle access from Winnycroft Lane; public open space and landscaping; drainage attenuation, acoustic barrier and other associated works (Environmental Impact Assessment development).


A site visit was conducted prior to the meeting (Tuesday 30 May) to allow for full consideration of the application.


The Senior Planner presented the report detailing an application for a residential development of 180 no. dwellings (Class C3); vehicular, pedestrian and cycle access from Winnycroft Lane; public open space and landscaping; drainage attenuation, acoustic barrier, and other associated works (Environmental Impact Assessment development).



Councillor O’Donnell spoke in favour of the application.


He stated that the application should be granted on the following grounds:


-       Matson did not have enough community stock but had a lot of green space.

-       The monument was not very accessible to the public. The granting of the application would allow for it to be visited by schools and members of the local community.

-       For families living in overcrowded accommodation, the granting of the application could have a large beneficial impact on their life and wellbeing.

-       The granting of the application could get 77 social housing applicants off the waiting list, which was in the region of 6,000 applicants. 

-       The application was supported by local communities and residents.

-       People need good quality homes to live in.

-       The granting of the application would help to combat the issue of overcrowding in homes and make a positive impact on people’s lives.



An operations director at Bromford spoke in favour of the application.


He stated that the application should be granted on the following grounds:


-       Gloucester had nearly 6,000 people on the social housing waiting list . Bromford wanted to work with the Council to help solve the problem.

-       The Matson Site would provide 75% affordable houses. Most of the properties would have gardens. The neighbouring site built by another developer provided zero affordable homes.

-       The application was supported by various community groups including Gloucestershire College, Gloucestershire Gateway Trust, Together in Matson, GL Communities. Richard Graham MP supported it.

-       The properties would be energy efficient.

-       Together in Matson had highlighted that inadequate social housing was one of the biggest problems in the area. The granting of the application would help to combat this.

-       The scheme would include public open space.

-       New footpaths would be provided.

-       Despite noting the significant benefits of the scheme in the officer’s report, the recommendation was for refusal. It contradicted the Secretary of State’s position which was that affordable housing should be given substantial weight when deciding on an application.

-       Regarding the landscape issue, the nationally important scheduled ancient monument sat between the M5 and a main road and was hardly known to people in the area and was hidden.

-       The questions surrounding newts could be dealt with via conditions.

-       The application boiled down to whether the benefit outweighed the negatives. The nationally important scheduled ancient monument to the untrained eye was an ‘overgrown hole.’ If the application received consent, they would propose to reveal, protect, and educate people on it. Alongside Together in Matson, they  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5