Agenda and minutes
Venue: Civic Suite, North Warehouse, The Docks, Gloucester, GL1 2EP. View directions
Contact: Democratic and Electoral Services
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest To receive from Members, declarations of the existence of any disclosable pecuniary, or non-pecuniary, interests and the nature of those interests in relation to any agenda item. Please see Agenda Notes. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on the 7th September 2021. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on the 7th September 2021 were confirmed and signed by the Chair as a correct record. |
Please note that any late material in respect of the applications detailed below will be published as a supplement on the Council’s website in the late afternoon of the day of the meeting. Minutes: Late Material had been circulated in respect of agenda item 5 – Kingsway Local Centre (18/00852/FUL). |
Kingsway Local Centre, Thatcham Avenue, Kingsway Quedgeley Gloucester - 18/00852/FUL Application for determination: -
Erection of a new building to provide 22 self-contained units of supported living accommodation and associated works, including car and cycle parking and landscaping.
This application was previously deferred from the August 2021 meeting of the Planning Committee. Additional documents:
Minutes: This application had been deferred at the August 2021 meeting of the Planning Committee.
The Principal Planning Officer provided an update on the application for the erection of a new building to provide 22 self-contained units of supported living accommodation and associated works, including car and cycle parking and landscaping.
The Principal Planning Officer summarised the contents of the late material which included an additional representation for a resident regarding the noise impact assessment, a 47 Page Statement that was submitted by a local resident, and a Statement from Gloucestershire County Council Integrated Disabilities Commissioning Hub and Older Peoples Commissioning Hub.
The Principal Planning Officer stated that it should be noted that persons using the accommodation would be individuals with medium to low level care and support needs.
The Principal Planning Officer also noted that regarding the request by the Planning Committee for the applicant to provide an updated Noise Impact Assessment, the Council had consulted the applicant and they had declined to do so. She stated that the noise advisers consulted on the application (WRS), would not be in a position to support the Council in requesting a further detailed study. WRS have further reviewed the original noise report and are satisfied that it is fit for purpose and that background noise levels would have to significantly increase to result in an unacceptable noise level for the new residents both inside the building and within the garden area. WRS also note the lack of complaints from existing local residents relating to noisy activity within the Local Centre
The Principal Planning Officer also advised that the applicant had not provided an updated parking survey as previously requested by Planning Committee. The applicant had provided a further Transport Note, updated parking layout and had stated that the parking provided for the development represented over provision given that most residents would not own a car and space for about 7 staff vehicles would be required.
She further added that owing to the discovery of Newts on the site and after consultation with the Ecology Adviser, the update officer recommendation as outlined in the late material was for deferral to enable further assessment in relation to the presence of newts on the site and its surroundings.
Councillor Kubaszczyk, a local ward member for Kingsway, addressed the committee in opposition to the application.
He objected to the application on the following grounds:
- The location of the site was inappropriate for the residents, particularly as it was located in an area that had one of the highest levels of anti-social behaviour in Kingsway; - There had been an incident on the 25th September 2021, whereby a group of 15-20 youths intimidated staff at a nearby Sur Ryder. These sort of incidents would have a detrimental impact on the mental and physical wellbeing residents of the proposed build; - Littering concerns in the local area; - The request by the Planning Committee at the August 2021 meeting for an updated noise impact assessment to ... view the full minutes text for item 36. |
Delegated Decisions To consider a schedule of applications determined under delegated powers during the month of August 2021. Minutes: The schedule of applications determined under delegated powers during the month of August 2021 was noted.
RESOLVED that: - the schedule be noted. |
Date of next meeting Tuesday 2nd November, 2021. Minutes: Tuesday 2nd November, 2021. |