Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Civic Suite, North Warehouse, The Docks, Gloucester, GL1 2EP
Contact: Democratic and Electoral Services
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest To receive from Members, declarations of the existence of any disclosable pecuniary, or non-pecuniary, interests and the nature of those interests in relation to any agenda item. Please see Agenda Notes. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 14th June 2023.
Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 14th June 2023 are confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Public Question Time (15 minutes) The opportunity is given to members of the public to put questions to Cabinet Members. A question may be rejected if it:
(i) Is not about a matter for which the local authority has responsibility or influence; or (ii) Is illegal, improper, defamatory, frivolous or offensive; or (iii) Is substantially the same as a question which has been put at a meeting of the Council, Cabinet or Committee in the past 6 months; or (iv) Requires the disclosure of confidential or exempt information; or (v) Is related to confidential staffing matters; or (vi) Is relating to the personal affairs or conduct of individual Members or Officers.
To ask a question at this meeting, please submit it to by 12 noon on Friday 7th July 2023 or telephone 01452 396203 for support.
Minutes: There were no public questions. |
Petitions and Deputations (15 minutes) To receive any petitions or deputations provided that no such petition or deputation is in relation to:
· Matters relating to individual Council Officers, or · Matters relating to current or pending legal proceedings
Minutes: There were no petitions or deputations. |
Leader and Cabinet Members' Question Time (15 minutes) Any Member of the Council may ask the Leader of the Council or any Cabinet Member any question upon:
· Any matter relating to the Council’s administration · Any matter relating to any report of the Cabinet appearing on the summons · A matter coming within their portfolio of responsibilities
Only one supplementary question is allowed per question.
Questions must be submitted to by 12 noon on Friday 7th July 2023. Responses to questions will be published in an addendum to the agenda by 12 noon on the day of the Cabinet Meeting. Minutes: There were no questions to the Leader or Cabinet Members. |
To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy informing Members of the findings and recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Task and Finish Group on damp and mould in Gloucester’s rented accommodation. Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Task and Finish Group, as set out in Appendix 1 of the report are addressed and implemented at the earliest opportunity, and those recommendations requiring more detailed consideration be the subject of a further report to Cabinet as necessary.
Minutes: Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy that informed Members of the findings and recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Task and Finish Group on damp and mould in Gloucester’s rented accommodation.
The Cabinet Member for Environment outlined the background to and scope of the report. He noted that all participants took the issues seriously and drew Members’ attention to each recommendation (Appendix 1 Section 6).
The Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources stated that it was a great piece of work by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. She commented that it demonstrated how collaboration between the Committee and Cabinet can achieve real results and looked forward to what will come in future from a forthcoming joint planning session. The Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources particularly thanked the Democratic and Electoral Services Officer for her able support of the Task and Finish Group.
The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure gave his own thanks to Committee Members and officers. He informed Members that he believed a national landlord accreditation scheme would solve many problems. The Cabinet Member for Environment advised that although he considered the benefits of accreditation to be limited, he however regarded this and all the recommendations (Appendix 2) to be good for renters.
RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Task and Finish Group, as set out in Appendix 1 of the report are addressed and implemented at the earliest opportunity, and those recommendations requiring more detailed consideration be the subject of a further report to Cabinet as necessary.
Blackbridge Sports Hub PDF 123 KB To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources and the Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure seeking Members to approve the acquisition of land from Gloucestershire County Council for the purpose of leasing it and additional land to Blackbridge Charitable Community Benefit Society (BCCBS) to build a community sports hub provided that certain pre-conditions are satisfied. Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that:
(1) the acquisition of land from the County Council for £1 subject to a restriction that the land acquired is used only as a community sports hub (see plan of land in appendix 1 of the report) is agreed
(2) following the completion of the acquisition of the land from the County Council, a 125-year lease at a minimal rent to BCCBS (see plan of land in appendix 2 of the report) is granted.
(3) it is agreed to delegate authority to the Head of Finance and Resources in consultation with the Asset Management Team to agree the terms for the acquisition of the land from the County Council and for the disposal by way of a 125-year lease to BCCBS
(4) authority is delegated to the Director of One Legal to prepare and conclude the necessary legal documentation to:
a) reflect the acquisition terms negotiated and agreed between the County Council and the Council and to execute such documents
b) reflect the lease terms negotiated and agreed between the Council and BCCBS and to execute such documents.
Minutes: Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources, and the Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure that sought approval from Members for the acquisition of land from Gloucestershire County Council for the purpose of leasing it and additional land to Blackbridge Charitable Community Benefit Society (BCCBS) to build a community sports hub provided that certain pre-conditions be satisfied.
The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure advised Members that the Planning Committee (4th July 2023 Minute 11) had resolved to grant permission for the erection of dwellings at New Dawn View subject to the required s106 Agreement being completed. He reminded them that the report had been considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (3rd July 2023 Minute 20). The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure commented that the proposed lease to BCCBS would result in an exceptional facility to be proud of and that he believed it would be welcomed by the majority of the communities it will serve.
The Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources stated that the recommendations (2.1) were critical to progressing a potentially fantastic amenity that was a priority in the Gloucester City Plan 2011-31. In her capacity as one of the relevant ward councillors she acknowledged that some residents were uneasy with the proposals but emphasised that a holistic view should be taken. The Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources thanked all those who had produced what was a large piece of work.
The Cabinet Member for Environment informed Members that he was that sorry some people were against the plans but that he thought the Sports Hub would be of huge benefit to the City.
(1) the acquisition of land from the County Council for £1 subject to a restriction that the land acquired is used only as a community sports hub (see plan of land in appendix 1 of the report) is agreed
(2) following the completion of the acquisition of the land from the County Council, a 125-year lease at a minimal rent to BCCBS (see plan of land in appendix 2 of the report) is granted.
(3) it is agreed to delegate authority to the Head of Finance and Resources in consultation with the Asset Management Team to agree the terms for the acquisition of the land from the County Council and for the disposal by way of a 125-year lease to BCCBS
(4) authority is delegated to the Director of One Legal to prepare and conclude the necessary legal documentation to:
a) reflect the acquisition terms negotiated and agreed between the County Council and the Council and to execute such documents
b) reflect the lease terms negotiated and agreed between the Council and BCCBS and to execute such documents.
To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy seeking Members to recommend to Council that the Gloucester City Council Local Development Scheme (LDS) be updated with a revised timetable and plan making approach. Additional documents: Decision: RECOMMENDED to Councilthat:
(1) the updated Local Development Scheme (Appendix 1 of the report) is adopted and takes effect immediately
(2) Council delegates authority to the Head of Place, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy, to prepare the Local Development Scheme for publication correcting any minor errors such as spelling, grammar, typographical and formatting changes that do not affect the substantive content of the Local Development Scheme.
Minutes: Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy that sought Members’ approval to recommend to Council that the Gloucester City Council Local Development Scheme (LDS) be updated with a revised timetable and plan making approach.
The Cabinet Member for Environment highlighted the key features of the report including the proposed commitment for a new local plan to replace the Joint Core Strategy (3.5). He emphasised the importance of co-operation between authorities across boundaries.
RECOMMENDED to Councilthat:
(1) the updated Local Development Scheme (Appendix 1 of the report) is adopted and takes effect immediately
(2) Council delegates authority to the Head of Place, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy, to prepare the Local Development Scheme for publication correcting any minor errors such as spelling, grammar, typographical and formatting changes that do not affect the substantive content of the Local Development Scheme.
Financial Outturn 2022/23 PDF 221 KB To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources presenting the Council’s final General Fund Revenue and Capital Outturn positions against agreed budgets for the 2022-23 financial year, and report on performance against certain key financial performance indicators. Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED that:
(1) it is noted that:
a) the year-end position for the financial year 2022-23 is currently a decrease to the General Fund balance of £278k against a budgeted net zero position
b) the General Fund balance has decreased from £1.127m to £0.849m at the end of 2022-23
c) that the level of earmarked reserves has decreased by £3.209m to £4.264m, with the final release of £2.811m from the Section 31 Grant Repayment Reserve created in 2020-21 because of the Covid-19 pandemic
d) the current level of Capital expenditure as shown in Appendix 1 of the report
e) that the work to reconstitute the large volume of data from the manual transactions processed following the cyber incident in December 2021 into the system is in progress. The volume of manual data being analysed and reconciled means that there will be movements between the outturns forecast for the detailed categories, and that the figures provided are the best estimates based on current analyses
(2) the transfers to and from earmarked reserves as detailed in the table in section 6 of the report is approved.
Minutes: Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources that presented the Council’s final General Fund Revenue and Capital Outturn positions against agreed budgets for the 2022-23 financial year, and reported on performance against certain key financial performance indicators.
The Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources drew Members’ attention to decreases in the General Fund balance and level of ear-marked reserves (2.1.1). She noted that the 2022-23 year had been a challenging one with the impact of post-COVID19, the cyber incident, inflation and an increased ask from Aspire Sports and Cultural Trust that had not been anticipated when the budget was set. The Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources summarised the position in each portfolio including her own.
The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure informed Members that despite recent challenges he was very optimistic for revenue growth by the Guildhall, Museum and Blackfriars. The Cabinet Member for Environment highlighted the partial mitigation of the raised high fuel and labour costs by increased revenue from recyclable materials (5.19). He noted this income had risen from £350k in 2016 to £1.2m last year which he attributed to the good work of both officers and residents. The Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods ascribed the positive performance of his portfolio to sourcing more external funding and greater co-operation with partners such as the County Council and NHS. He reminded Members that these achievements translated to better care for residents in what are difficult times.
(1) it is noted that:
a) the year-end position for the financial year 2022-23 is currently a decrease to the General Fund balance of £278k against a budgeted net zero position
b) the General Fund balance has decreased from £1.127m to £0.849m at the end of 2022-23
c) that the level of earmarked reserves has decreased by £3.209m to £4.264m, with the final release of £2.811m from the Section 31 Grant Repayment Reserve created in 2020-21 because of the Covid-19 pandemic
d) the current level of Capital expenditure as shown in Appendix 1 of the report
e) that the work to reconstitute the large volume of data from the manual transactions processed following the cyber incident in December 2021 into the system is in progress. The volume of manual data being analysed and reconciled means that there will be movements between the outturns forecast for the detailed categories, and that the figures provided are the best estimates based on current analyses
(2) the transfers to and from earmarked reserves as detailed in the table in section 6 of the report is approved.
Risk Management Annual Report 2022/23 PDF 118 KB To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources presenting the Strategic Risk Register (SRR) and updating Members on the Council’s risk management activities from 2022/23. Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that the Strategic Risk Register and the planned risk management arrangements for 2022/23 are noted and endorsed.
Minutes: Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources that presented the Strategic Risk Register (SRR) and updated Members on the Council’s risk management activities from 2022/23.
The Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources advised Members of the importance of strong risk management to the Council’s corporate governance framework. She drew their attention to the Risk Management Annual Report (Appendix 1). The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure noted that more action had been taken to mitigate risks. He commented that less risk was always a good thing.
RESOLVED that the Strategic Risk Register and the planned risk management arrangements for 2022/23 are noted and endorsed.