Agenda and minutes
Venue: Civic Suite, North Warehouse, The Docks, Gloucester, GL1 2EP
Contact: Democratic and Electoral Services
No. | Item |
By-Election Results To note the result of the Westgate By-Election on 30 March 2023 as set out below:
Rebecca Trimnell (Liberal Democrat)
Minutes: |
Election of Mayor To elect a Mayor for the Council year 2023/24. Minutes: |
Election of Sheriff and Deputy Mayor To elect a Sheriff and Deputy Mayor for the Council year 2023/24.
The Council will adjourn at this point in proceedings and reconvene in approximately 30 minutes.
Minutes: |
To approve as a correct record the minutes of the Council Meeting held on 23 March 2023. Minutes: |
Declarations of Interest To receive from Members, declarations of the existence of any disclosable pecuniary, or non-pecuniary, interests and the nature of those interests in relation to any agenda item. Please see Agenda Notes. Minutes: |
Announcements To receive announcements from:
a) The Mayor b) Leader of the Council c) Members of the Cabinet d) Chairs of Committees e) Head of Paid Service Minutes: |
Nominations to the Gloucester City Homes Board PDF 108 KB To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy reviewing the current approach to nominating Members to sit on the Gloucester City Homes Board
Additional documents: Minutes: |
To appoint Members to Committees, Consultative Forums and Working Groups and to nominate Chairs and Vice-Chairs of Committees as set out in the schedule. Minutes: |
Appointments to Outside Bodies for 2023/24 PDF 97 KB To appoint Members to Outside Bodies as set out in the schedule. Minutes: |
This Council notes:
1. In the year ending March 2020, there were around 46,000 (selected) offences involving a knife or sharp instrument in England and Wales. 2. 293 knife or sharp instrument offences recorded by police in Gloucestershire between 2021 and 2022 3. The ONS reported that more than 46,000 offences involving knives or sharp instruments were recorded by police in the year ending March 2020. 4. Gloucester city has a growing young population and has witnessed an increase of violent crime in recent years involving knives and sharp objects. 5. One of the most recent incidents at the time of submitting this motion involved a teenager who suffered a significant knife wound after being stabbed in at a Gym at our Gloucester Docks. 6. Tackling knife crime and violence is a key priority for the Council which requires a whole system approach. This is addressed not just by Gloucester City Council, but in partnership with other key agencies such as the Gloucestershire Police, Police Crime Commissoner, public health and wider partners in the County Council. 7. Gloucester City Council Community well being team is committed to investigate the effectiveness of bleed control kits in saving lives and to assess the first aid training available in schools and will make a recommendation to the Community Safety Partnership on the intervention for consideration of inclusion in its Action Plan.
This Council believes:
1. That every measure needs to be taken to save the lives of victims of violent knife crime and congratulates The Ramarni Trust for its work in promoting the use and installation of Bleed Control Kits around the City. 2. The Ramarni Trust was established by his family after Ramarni was stabbed to death in December 2021. 3. A Bleed Control Kit is a small critical injury pack which contains specialised dressings, a tourniquet, instructions and other specialised medical supplies designed to stop or control the severe bleeding that often follows when someone is stabbed. 4. The public access kits are designed to be used by non-emergency personnel in much the same way that heart defibrillators ('shock machines') specifically designed for use by those with no First Aid training are becoming a common sight in Gloucester and the UK. 5. While we still need an effective Public Health approach to reduce the catastrophe that is knife crime, Bleed Control Kits can be another way to treat victims.
This Council resolves:
1. To direct support the Community Wellbeing team to work with The Ramarni Trust, the NHS, Gloucestershire Police Service and the South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust to develop the best strategy for the deployment of Bleed Control Kits across the City of Gloucester. 2. To seek sponsorship of Bleed Control Kits from commercial partners to reduce costs of purchase and installation go Bleed Control Cabinets. 3. To work with introduce First Aid training into every Gloucester City secondary schools and colleges classroom in the City of Gloucester to assess the ... view the full agenda text for item 10. Minutes: |