Agenda and minutes

Venue: Education Centre, Folk Museum, Gloucester GL1 2JS (please access via rear entrance on Quay Street). View directions

Contact: Sonia Tucker  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Election of Chair


Councillor Noakes was elected Chair of the meeting.


Introductions and Procedures


The Chair introduced the Members of the Sub-Committee and Council Officers in attendance and asked the Applicant’s Agent and other parties to introduce themselves.


She then outlined the procedure for the meeting.


In addition to the Sub-Committee and Council Officers in attendance, the following were present;-


Mrs Chandra Manoharan               Applicant

Mr Suresh Kanapathi                      Licensing Consultant and Agent for Applicant

JeseeManoharan                           Applicant’s daughter


Mr & Mrs Morgan                              Local residents

Lesley & Sharon Snow-King         Local residents


The Chair agreed that a written representation from Helen Beddis be circulated as Ms Beddis had not been able to attend the meeting due to illness.


Declarations of Interest

To receive from Members, declarations of the existence of any disclosable pecuniary, or non-pecuniary, interests and the nature of those interests in relation to any agenda item. Please see Agenda Notes.


No declarations were made on this occasion.


Application under Section 17 of the Licensing Act 2003 in respect of Your Stores, 138 Stroud Road, Gloucester, GL1 5JT pdf icon PDF 9 MB

Report by the Corporate Director of Services and Neighbourhoods


Licensing & Enforcement Officer


The Licensing and Enforcement Officer presented an application for a new premises licence in respect of Your Stores, 138, Stroud Road under section 17 of the Licensing Act 2003 for the retail sale of alcohol (off sales only) Monday – Sunday (inclusive) from 06.00 to 23.00 hrs.


She advised the Sub-Committee that the application had not been advertised on the premises until 24 September consequently a further week had been allowed for receipt of representations. The newspaper advertisement was published in the Gloucester Citizen on 4 October 2012. She drew Members’ attention to the appended plans showing the layout and location of the premises together with the location of residents who had made representations.


She noted the measures proposed by the applicant to promote the four licensing objectives – the Prevention of Crime and Disorder; Public Safety; the Prevention of Public Nuisance; and the Protection of Children from Harm.


She referred to the representations at Appendix D and advised Members that they must relate to the proposed licensable activity and its effect on at least one of the licensing objectives. The number of other outlets in the area selling alcohol by way of a licence was not a relevant consideration under the Licensing Act 2003.


She advised that the conditions detailed at Paragraph 5.6 had been agreed between the Police and the applicant.


There had been no representations from the responsible authorities.


There were no questions relating to the Officer’s report.


Applicant’s Agent


Mr Suresh Kanapathi, representing the applicant Mrs Chandra Manoharan, advised that the applicant, who had 10 years retail experience, intended to run the premises as a family business and her son was the designated premises supervisor. They intended to comply fully with all legislation and the premises would be run in a responsible manner.


He referred to the representations and noted the following:-


·         a new noiseless automatic shutter had been installed;

·         the applicant would ensure that the Council-owned litter bin was emptied if necessary;

·         in addition to the two licence holders, two further family members had been fully trained in relevant licensing law;

·         an Under 25 policy would be operated with appropriate notices to customers;

·         the applicant was working closely with the Police;

·         the premises had been fitted with an alarm system connected directly to the Police;

·         the applicant had accepted the requirements of the police;

·         many local people were happy with the proposals.


He noted that the store would sell many other items and provide a family run local convenience store.


He confirmed that the premises were not yet open for business.




Mr and Mrs Morgan expressed concern at the period requested for alcohol sales and believed 06.00 – 23.00 was excessive. They noted that local shops closed by 21.00. The agent advised that the 23.00 closing time was intended for summertime and festivals and the applicant may well close the premises earlier at other times.


Lesley Snow-King stated that the silent shutters were appreciated but was concerned that they  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12.