Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Civic Suite, North Warehouse, The Docks, Gloucester, GL1 2EP. View directions
Contact: Sonia Tucker Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Election of Chair To appoint a Chair for the meeting
Minutes: Councillor Patel was elected Chair of the meeting. |
Introductions and Procedures Chair to arrange introductions and explain the procedure to be followed at the meeting
Minutes: The Chair, Members and Officers introduced themselves and the Chair outlined the procedure to be followed. |
Declarations of Interest To receive from Members, declarations of the existence of any disclosable pecuniary, or non-pecuniary, interests and the nature of those interests in relation to any agenda item. Please see Agenda Notes. Minutes: No declarations were made on this occasion. |
To receive the report of the Head of Public Protection
Additional documents:
Minutes: Licensing and Enforcement Officer’s report
The Licensing and Enforcement Officer presented the report which invited the Sub-Committee to consider an application by Ioannis Karayiannis for a new Premises Licence in respect of Greek on the Docks at Unit A, Merchants Quay, the Docks, Gloucester GL1 2ES
He reported that the application, which contained all the requisite information, was received on 10 May 2016 and was attached to the report as Appendix1 with the relevant plans at Appendices 2 and 3.
He advised that the Applicant had applied for the retail Sale of Alcohol and for recorded music from 11.00 to 23.00 Monday to Sunday.
The Applicant had also applied for Live Music indoors only on Special Events, Christmas Parties and Private Functions from 18.00 to 22.30 for Fridays and Saturdays and 12.00 to 18.00 on Sundays and 20.00 to 02.00 on New Year’s Eve.
He reported that representations had been received from the Police and from Environmental Protection requesting conditions and he confirmed that the Applicant had indicated that the proposed conditions would be acceptable.
He drew Members’ attention to the two representations from Other Persons attached to the report as Appendix 4
There were no questions of the Officer from Members or the Applicant.
Statement by the Applicant
Mr Karayiannis stated that he had done his best to provide soundproofing and insulation and had joined City Safe. He had done everything possible to prevent any public nuisance and did not wish to cause any problems.
There were no questions of the Applicant from Officers.
The Chair noted that the premises had operated for thirteen days under Temporary Event Notices and he was advised that no complaints of noise or anti-social behaviour had been received.
The Applicant explained that he only intended to use the music as background music as the premises were intended to be a restaurant and not a bar and he wished customers to be able to talk to each other.
The Chair asked if there were any arrangements for dispersal of customers at closing time. The Applicant advised that he would watch people leaving and if necessary remind them to consider the residents nearby.
Mr White confirmed that the business was more food orientated than based on alcohol sales. The Chair noted that no Other Persons were in attendance,
Summing Up by the Licensing and Enforcement Officer
The Licensing and Enforcement Officer drew Members’ attention to the options available to them detailed at section 2.0 of the report.
The Applicant indicated that he had nothing further to add.
Decision of the Sub-Committee
The Chair, Members of the Sub-Committee and the Solicitor withdrew to consider their decision. Upon their return, the Chair read the following statement:-
The Sub-Committee has considered the application made under Section 17 of the Licensing Act 2003 for a new premises licence relating to ‘Greek on the Docks’. Having had regard to the presentation of the Licensing and Enforcement Officer; representations made by the Other Persons; evidence from the applicant; the Home Secretary’s ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |